Without a Doubt- George Weasley

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They're not back yet. They're not back...what if something happened out there? What if the death eaters found them?
How would you know who know we were moving Harry tonight? Ugh! What if someone if hurt? What if someone if killed?! What if they're all-
George...please be okay please oh please be okay...
I pace back and forth on the floor nervously, sweat glistening on my forehead.
"Oh for goodness sake dear, calm down. You're making me all the more concerned with your pacing!" Mrs. Weasley says to me.
Her and Ginny wait with me at the burrow while everyone else was out helping bring Harry back here.
"Sorry Mrs. Weasley. I'm just so scared that Geor- I mean, someone might get harmed..." I say nervously.
Molly gives me a small comforting smile while Ginny shakes her head at me disappointed like.
"It'll be alright dear, don't worry. If you do you only suffer twice." I nod my head. She is right.
"Ginny dear, will you take (y/n) into the living room and calm her down a bit?" She asks and her daughter nods.
Ginny and I enter the living room and sit down on opposite sides of the couch.
She stared at me with a look on her face that I just quite understand.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask her confused.
"Because you confuse me."
"Beg your pardon-"
"You obviously are in love with my brother. But you haven't told him. Why is that?"
The question hit my like a stone to the face. I couldn't remember how to speak for a minute.
"How long have you known I-"
"Oh come on. I'm not dummy. Ever since I saw you at the train station on your guys' first years to Hogwarts I've seen the way you look at him." She shakes her head once again as if it is proving a point.
"You could tell just by how I looked at him..?"
"Psh! It was real obvious. Even for a little girl like me at the time. Everyone knows! Everyone except George that is. Even Fred knows."
My mouth is slightly open, was it really that obvious?
"What to I do about it then?" I ask her.
"Tell him! Before it's too late!"
"Well how should I do that exactly?!"
She laughs,"Well, when he comes back just make sure that's the first thing you say."
"When he gets back just run up to him and tell him exactly how you feel!"
"Okay okay, I will. Okay. I'm ready for this!!"
Just then we hear a loud noise outside and Ginny and her mother go out to see what it is. I stay in the doorway.
When the people get closer I recognize them straight away. It's Harry and Hagrid! They're alright!
We all go to meet them and begin to walk back towards the house when another couple of people appear outside the house.
I turn around to see who it is, when I do my heart stops.
George is out cold and is being held up by Lupin. I step forward towards them,"G-George? W-will he be okay..?" I stutter out.
"If we can get him inside and rested then I think he'll be fine." He says.
I take up his other side and we carry him in.
Mrs. Weasley is frantic and Ginny too you can see the worry on her face. Remus pulls Harry over and begins to speak to him in an unfriendly tone. But I annoy tell what they are saying because I am too worried about George.
The sight of him covered in blood and unconscious is too much for me to handle. I turn and hurry out the back door and sit on the porch.
I later hear Fred run in the house shouting. Other people enter but I cannot. I'm not In a good state at the moment. I lean against a pillar thing and drift off to sleep.
~2:15 am~
"(Y/n), you should come inside. It's freezing out and you need some rest." I hear Ginny's voice as she shakes me awake.
"Mmm...I don't really feel in the mood to get up..." I whine.
"Then do it to check on George." She says. He'd be happy to see you."
I groan then stands up and let her walk me inside.
I enter the doorway to the room where George lays sleeping on the couch.
"He's asleep." I tell Ginny.
"Then make sure your visit is quiet, now my parents, Bill and I will be in the kitchen. If he needs anything let us know."
I nod my head,"aren't you all going to ho to sleep?" I ask. Ginny then answers with,"I plan on it. Not until after you. I'm going to go make you a place to sleep in my room. The others, I cannot say what they will be doing tonight."
I nod once again. She then smiles and walks off. I stand still in the doorway. Looking over at George's current state. It almost hard to believe...he looks so vulnerable...and hurt.
Maybe I should make this quick. I really do not want to wake him. I pace over to him sit on the space next to him.
I can now see shy he is covered in blood, his ear looks as though it's been blown off. Knowing him he probably made a joke of it when I was gone...
I am surprised no one else had wiped the blood off yet. Probably his head still hurt.
"Oh George, why did it have to be you..." I whisper, then planting a kiss on his cheek.
I turn and start to leave out the doorway, and to Ginny's room where I'll be staying when I am stopped.
"(Y/n)-" I hear from the doorway.
I spin around and re-enter the room.
George is now awake but barley so. His eyelids are droopy and he lets out a small yawn.
"I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I ask.
"No- well kinda-yes... but that's okay. I wanted to speak with you. But you weren't hear earlier when I was awake."
I scratch the back of my arm uncomfortably. "Well yeah, I went outside when you were brought in and I kinda fell asleep on the porch."
He laughs, man I love it when he laughs. It always seems to lighten up the mood, no matter what the problem is.
"Why did you go outside?"
"Uh well, I needed some fresh air to clear my head." I lie. I flat out just lied. What am I doing?
"Oh I see. It must've worked perfectly if you had fallen asleep." He laughs.
"Oh uhm, I guess."
He lets out another sleepy laugh. I wonder if he knows I kissed him a few minutes ago.
"Anyways, you wanted to talk to me?" He asks now sliding himself up on the couch so that he's sitting up.
"I-I did?"
"Why else would you have come in here at, what time is it? Two?"
"To check up on you! Of course. Just to make sure you're doing okay."
He nods his head,"Oh alright, that must be why you kissed me too." He adds slyly.
"Wait, you felt that?! Ugh I'm so stupid, I'm sorry-"
"Why are you sorry? I'm not mad."
"Well uh, I woke you up and- wait the kiss didn't bother you?"
   He sniggers and runs his hand though his hair that isn't bloody.
   "Hah...Why would it?"
"I don't know- maybe because it was random and it came out of nowhere! And not like you like me or anything that way so I decided to keep my feelings secret but now it's-"
   He laughs once again making me feel really self conscious. Ugh.
"Why are you laughing?!  That was really personal to me."
"No it's not that, I just have liked you for quite a while and have yet the courage to tell you. Haha, I know I know, some Gryffindor I was right?"
   I stare gaping at him. I have a loss of words on what to say to him.  He then realizes that I cannot find words so he then says something else.
   "Ahem, well I guess it is harder to share feelings than other things right?"
No answer.
"Uhm, say something..."
No answer.
"-agh! This silence is really starting to worry me-!"
"Sorry sorry, it's just...I didn't expect those words to come out of your mouth! You- really like me?"
   "Hah! Without a doubt!" He says which causes my stomach to do a flip.
"Would you still like me with only one ear?" He asks half jokingly but half serious. I can see that he's been slightly worried about it.
  "Without a doubt." I repeat what he had said. His worried face melts into a smile and hugs me.
   "I wish you would've told me you liked me before." He whispers.
"And why is that?"
"Because I wouldn't have had to wait as long to do this..." he says pulling back enough so that he is facing me.
   He gently places his lips to mine and kisses me softly.  My stomach clenches while he kisses me. I was not expecting him to do this.
  I accept the kiss and kiss him back allowing myself to relax a bit. In this brief moment, everything seems perfect.
  We pull away from each other allowing him to look at my face as I nervously look back at the ground.
   "I love you (y/n)." He says with a smile in his voice.
  I tilt my head back up and gaze into his eyes.
"I love you too George Weasley." I whisper back. I stand up and begin to leave.
"Hey where are you going?" He asks. I turn back around,"Going to bed..."
"Stay here with me," he begs,"please..?"
"If that's alright...I guess I can stay here..."
   I grab a pillow and a blanket off the chair next to the couch and lay down on the floor next to him.
"Goodnight George."
"Goodnight, love."

Weasley Twin x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now