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History: The most boring lesson ever. I try to concentrate on writing down the notes our teacher is giving but it's pretty much impossible when the stuff she's saying has no importance to me what so ever. I'm not usually one to break rules but I reach around and pull my phone out of my blazer pocket and get my messages up. I find Ash's name and start typing.

Me: Wow this lesson is so boring, help mee!

While I wait for his reply I keep writing, I mean I don't want to fall behind or anything. I feel my phone buzz in my hand so I put my pen down and check the teacher isn't looking before opening the message. It's Ash, as expected.

Ash: Haha aww Samii just ditch and come hang out with me, I've got a free lesson ;)

My lips twist into an angry smile when I read his reply. He's forever making me jealous of all his free lessons, especially when I'm stuck in boring ones like this.

Me: I can't, I don't want to miss anything

As much as I'd like to go hang out with Ash, I'm not like that. I'd never walk out a lesson. Yeah, I'm a good little student like that. Ash replies almost instantly.

Ash: Wow. Swot

I laugh slightly but then remember I'm in a lesson and cover it with a cough. Thankfully no one but Robyn who's sitting next to me notices. She smiles and rolls her eyes then whispers 'something funny?' with a wink. I 'shh' her and reply to Ash.

Me: Oi you, Shh ;) see you at lunch for maccies though

Seconds later he replies.

Ash: Of course, usual place yeah

I smile before putting my phone away and carrying on with my work. Ugh...history sucks but I make myself pick up my pen and keep writing, however all I'm thinking about is Ash.

I sigh in relief when the lesson finally ends, collecting my books up and sliding them in my bag then picking my blazer up off my chair.

"Samii, you coming the canteen?" Robyn asks, already walking to the door. I nod and rush after her. She links her arm with mine and pulls me out into the busy corridors.

"So, little miss giggles, what are you up to this weekend?" Robyn winks at me as we walk through the crowds of people.

"Err party tonight then I dunno." She goes 'oooo'. "What about you?"

"Hanging out with the girlies." She laughs and pulls me off into the toilets. She starts touching up her makeup whilst babbling on about who's going out with who and all that kind of stuff. I tune out but take the opportunity to look in the mirror. Unlike Robyn, I'm not big on make up; I just do whatever I can be bothered to in the morning. I know I'm not as pretty as Robyn but today I think I look ok. Good even.

The front sections of my hair are clipped back with the rest loose. I've got my usual uniform on, black pinafore and a long sleeved white shirt and Oxford shoes. Yeah...I look ok today. I smile as Robyn appears beside me in the mirror, her arm around my shoulder and her phone ready to take a selfie. I laugh as she pouts and takes the picture of us before uploading it to Instagram. It gets a few likes in seconds. I look at the picture and smile although I look silly next to Robyn. She's got naturally curly hair and perfect features that make her one of the prettiest girls I know. It makes me wonder why she's even friends with me.

We finally make it to the canteen and I automatically start looking around for Ash and his 'squad', as he now calls them. Robyn starts walking to the table where we normally sit but my eyes have already spotted Ash. I smile before realising I stopped walking and I'm getting in peoples way.

{COMPLETED} ✔️ The Girl He Left Behind Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora