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It's been about a month since 'the incident'. Everything has gone back to normal now, well, as normal as possible after everything that happened.

Nothing else has happened between Matt and I; we pretty much just went back to how we were before. We don't deliberately avoid each other but we don't exactly jump at the chance to spend time together. It's not like we ignore each other either, like if all three of us are in the car or something, we'll just chat like usual. I'm fine with the situation if I'm honest, I know that Matt and I being together would never work so it's a good thing we haven't become close again.

Ash and I however, we have spent a lot more time together. He's still dating Jessica but he doesn't bring her round to the house anymore, well at least not when I'm there anyway. He thinks I don't like her, which I don't, but he doesn't know why, thankfully. He also hasn't asked about anything that happened with Matt which is great because how awkward would that have been?

Ash and Matt...Well they're not exactly best friends but they tolerate each other. I don't think either of them apologised but they haven't had a fight since which must be a record for them.

So, like I said, everything is almost back to normal.

I sigh as my mum tilts my head so she can apply my eyeliner for me.

"Samii stop moving! It's gonna smudge." My mum says as she creates a perfect wing shape. I should be grateful that my mum is so good at makeup but it bores me really. I would roll my eyes but it's kinda impossible right now. Rachel snickers from beside me where she's trying on new outfits in the mirror.

My mum finishes doing my mascara and stands back so I can look in the mirror. It looks amazing and I sort of think I look a pretty for once...just a bit anyway.

"Thanks mum." I squeal, standing up and giving her a typical Samii hug. That basically means I ran and jumped on her. She hugs me back for a while before she makes me pose for her to take a photo of me. This time I do roll my eyes. She sets the photo as her lock screen and then goes over to start doing her own makeup. She's still in her nurse's uniform since she just came straight from work but she still looks gorgeous as usual.

I stand beside Rachel, admiring my outfit in the massive mirrors. It's a black playsuit with deep pink flowers all over it paired with my favourite pair of flats. They're not typical party shoes but heels annoy me and I love these shoes anyway since they have black straps that go up your legs like ballet shoes. Rachel slides open her closet doors and pulls out her favourite black leather jacket. She hands it to me and I try it on.

"You look amazing, Sam!" Rachel exclaims as I twirl around. My mum says the same and I blush. I'm used to them saying stuff like this but I never believe that someone would genuinely think I was pretty.

Once they're done admiring me, they go back talking about boring girl stuff. Urgh. That's my cue to leave then...

I quickly slide out the room and walk down to Ash's. His door is wide open so I go in.

"ASH! You ready?" I shout when I don't see him.

"Nuh uh..." He mumbles from the bathroom. "I'll be like ten minutes."

I roll my eyes and flop down on his bed, not caring if my outfit gets wrinkled or my hair gets messed up. I stare at the ceiling for a while before Robyn texts me to say how excited she is about the party. I text her back and forth until Matt appears out the corner of my eye. He's stopped in the doorway, giving me a weird look like he didn't expect me to be here. He looks around for a while, taking in the sight of me sprawled out over Ash's bed and noticing he isn't in here with me.

"Where's Ash?" He asks, his voice quiet and steady but in a forced way, like he's super nervous and he doesn't want to show it. I tilt my head towards the door to Ash's bathroom and expect Matt to go over to talk to him but he doesn't. Instead, he sits on the edge of the bed next to me. I don't know what to do so I just keep staring at the ceiling and trying to calm my breathing and heart rate which is dangerously high.

His hand brushes against my bare leg for a second and I bolt upright. I don't think it was intentional but it was enough to set my body on fire. He mutters sorry and then pulls out his phone so the situation is less awkward. All I want to do is lean over and give him a hug but I will myself not to. He's texting Aaron and Beth about the party. Aaron is Matt's best mate; they're basically inseparable. And then there's Beth... She's Aaron's girlfriend and has been since forever but she's also super close to Matt. I used to hate her because I thought she replaced me but I quickly figured out that she's too awesome to hate.

Matt abruptly stands up and walks out, muttering something about checking his hair. Urgh. How is it I'm ready and they both aren't? Boys are so annoying.

James, Ash's best friend, picked us up when the boys were eventually ready. Because Laura is in the front, that means Ash, Matt and I have to sit in the back. Not only do we have to sit together, I just happened to get the middle seat in between them. Great. It's just...great.

Matt makes himself look busy in his phone whereas Ash doesn't seem fazed by the situation at all. In fact, he puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into his side. I can't complain because he smells so nice, like, seriously oh my god.

We stop outside someone's house but I know it's not where the party is being held. I'm about to question someone but Beth runs up and opens the door on Matt's side. Aaron follows her and everyone turns to me.

"What?" I ask, shrinking away from all their stares.

"You need to move." Matt says, not looking at me. I finally realise that since there's only five seats, I'm going to have to sit on someone's knee. Well, this just got awkward again. I look at Ash and he just laughs. I sigh and reluctantly move to sit on his legs. The car is kinda small so I have to duck my head in order to fit. Matt shuffles over into my previous seat and Aaron sits in Matt's. Beth happily climbs in and slides in-between Aaron's legs. Urgh well it's easy for her, she's his girlfriend.

Ash's arms slide around my waist as James starts driving even though it's sort of very illegal to have this many people in a car. No one seems to care though except me and I'm too distracted by Ash's arms around me to worry about that for too long.

"Lean back." Ash whispers in my ear. The deepness of his voice stirs something inside me. My whole body tingles with his words and I pray he doesn't notice how I basically stopped breathing. He gently pushes my body back so I'm leaning against him. It's a lot more comfortable but my body is still tense. We're so close and I don't know how long I can take it.

I let myself quickly glance over at Matt but he's talking to Aaron. Beth notices me looking and gives me an all knowing smile. I wouldn't be surprised if Matt had told her about 'the incident' because she's basically the one he goes to when he needs someone. It used to be me but then when he abandoned me, Beth took over the role. I don't care. Do I?

James turns the music up really loud and everyone starts cheering. It's so loud that we are now one of those cars that drive past your house playing banging music that makes you wonder how the people inside aren't deaf. It's good music though so I manage to relax and enjoy it. When Don't You Worry Child by Swedish House Mafia starts playing, everyone starts singing along as loud as possible. Well, except for Matt and I. We look at each other and he rolls his eyes at the situation. Ash pokes me in the side and sings at me, trying to get me to sing along too. I sigh and give in.

"Don't you worry, don't you worry child!" I sing with everyone and can't stop myself from smiling. I smirk at Matt he gives in too.

As we drive along, the awkwardness fades and I let myself have fun for once.

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