Twenty One

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When I wake up the next morning and check my phone, I find loads of notifications from Instagram. The first is telling me that Ash tagged me in a photo and the rest are people who've tagged me in comments. Now my curiosity has peaked, I open the app and realise the photo Ash tagged me in is my favourite one from the shoot yesterday. I guess he thought it was special too...

The caption reads: 'I don't know what I'd do without her. She means everything to me'. When I read it, I'm pretty sure my heart skips a beat or even stops altogether. Well, that's what it feels like even though I know it's not true. I must sit there for at least half an hour in a coma of amazement at what he said. I keep reading the words over and over again to myself and although it should make me happier, it just makes me question everything and we all know where overthinking leads...

If I mean everything to him then why has he got a girlfriend? Why hasn't he told me how he feels?

I come to the conclusion that I'm being stupid and he doesn't have any hidden feelings for me. I'm reading too much into it and turning an innocent nice thing my best friend said into something it's not.

Forget about him Samii. He's never going to feel that way about you.

Like everything else in my life though, that was about to change.

Through the whole school day, people keep commenting on the photo of Ash and I, especially Robyn and the rest of the girls. I haven't talked to Ash today, it's almost like he's been avoiding me and so has his brother, so I was free to hang around with my friends at lunch without them hovering around. I started to regret that decision after a while though.

"That is so sweet what he said."

"Yeah! It's almost like he likes you!"

"No, he's her best friend!"

"Hello...he's three years older and has a girlfriend!"

"Yeah but did you read what he said? She means everything to him!"

I let them blabber on and hypothesise for a while before it all gets too much. I stand up abruptly and everyone turns to look at me. I doge the stares and walk out the cafeteria. I don't really know where I was planning on going so I'm grateful when Robyn runs out after me. We stand there in silence for a while before she speaks.

"You like him, don't you?" She has a slight smirk which I take to mean she already knew the answer a long time ago. I nod to confirm it.

"And you don't know if he likes you...that's why you didn't want to listen to everyone talking about it, right?" She questions and I just nod again. I sigh and lean back against the wall. Robyn stands next to me and gives me a weak smile.

"He's your best friend. You should just talk to him about it."

"No. I can't do that." I reply immediately, leaning my head back and staring up at the ceiling. "If I'm wrong then he'll always know how I feel and it'll be awkward. I don't want to ruin what we have. And I kissed Matt but that went nowhere so..."

"YOU KISSED MATT?" Robyn shrieks, her voice so high that I'm surprised the windows didn't shatter. Thank god there's no one else around. People knowing would ruin everything. I didn't even mean to tell Robyn, it just sort of came out.

"Yes," She squeals with excitement. "but you need to promise you won't ever tell anyone. Please Rob?"

She rolls her eyes.

"Of course I won't. Idiot." Then she gets this sly look on her face. "Only if you tell me what it was like though."

I gulp. The feelings I had when I kissed Matt were deeper than anything I've ever felt, I don't know if I want to let anyone else know about them. Robyn tugs on my arm and jumps up and down, begging me to tell her. I give in.

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