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Hey everyone!

Ok so apologies for this being ANOTHER filler chapter but I had to put it in because it leads on to the next chapter (which I swear is more interesting and drama-ish [Is that a word, idk?]). This one was the original one that I was going to put as the last chapter before I rewrote it as the one I posted so I still hate this chapter.


I didn't kiss him. Believe me, I wanted to but that's when Laura decided to come waltzing up to us, wanting to talk to Ash about something or other. When he turned away from me to look at her I swear he groaned. It was like he hadn't wanted our moment to end either.

I awkwardly hovered at Ash's side as they talked about their A-level physics homework (I'd like to say I totally understood what they were talking about but that would be a complete lie) which they were supposed to have worked on at lunch before Ash got stuck with a detention.

"I still can't believe you got blamed when all you did was stick up for Sam."

I suddenly look up when Laura says that, realising they're talking about whatever Ash did. He immediately goes ridged and looks uncomfortable. He sighs and looks at Laura who's looking at me, probably wondering why I look confused as hell.

"Wait...You didn't tell her, did you?" She cringes as she asks Ash.

"Nope." He pops the 'p' and Laura awkwardly smiles at him, letting him know she's sorry.

"What haven't you told me?" I move away from Ash's side as I talk.

He reaches up to run a hand through his hair. He's nervous. This should be great then...not.

"The reason I got a detention is because..." He looks at Laura meaningfully, like he's asking her what the hell he's supposed to say. When she just cringes again, he sighs and looks up at the ceiling. I know it's making him uncomfortable but I need to know so I take hold of his hand and he gives me a sad smile.

"There was some guys from another school hanging around outside at break time. They knew who I was so they started talking about you and..."

He lets go of my hand and grits his teeth. He looks so angry that he can barely say what he does next without punching something.

"They kept going on about how hot you were and what they'd do to you if they ever met you."

"It was disgusting." Laura adds to fill the silence that followed Ash's confession.

I don't exactly know what to do. What am I supposed to do in this situation? Smile and say 'oh well'? Cry?

"I may have punched one of them..." Ash mumbles, his hands still clenched into fists at his sides. Laura gives him a pointed look. "Ok, fine. I punched all three of them."

For some reason, all I can do is laugh; hysterically almost. Don't get me wrong, it's not funny and I feel like shit but laughing is the only thing I seem to be able to do. Laura and Ash seem to think I've gone insane...maybe I have.

It made me feel better though. So that's what I did for the rest of the day. I didn't run and hide when I saw Brittany Clark and all her friends in the hallways; instead I just laughed and kept walking. They were confused to say the least.

I guess that's what you have to do in order to keep going in life because if we don't laugh we'll cry.

A monotonous beeping draws me from my sleep. I inwardly groan because I'm so tired and why the hell is the alarm clock going off this early? Someone mumbles an incoherent sound from beside me whilst someone else fumbles around to try and switch the alarm off from my other side. It takes me a while to open my eyes because I'm so damn exhausted but when I do, I see Matt rolling over onto his side, pulling his duvet up to cover his ears. On my other side, Ash almost falls off the couch as he blindly waves his arm around searching for his phone. I can't help but laugh as he rolls onto the floor, flat on his face with a loud groan before eventually switching the annoying beeping off.

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