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The party is insane. Like, we're here pretty early and there's already red plastic cups littering every available surface, there's people passed out in the corner of the room, people dancing along to the pounding music. It's awesome.

Ash takes my hand and drags me through the crowds of people. I'm grateful Matt went off with his friends and can't see it. Ash follows James and Laura over to the table stacked with drinks. There's beer, cider, vodka...everything. Ash hands me a bottle of strawberry cider and I happily accept; trust him to know it's my favourite drink.

When Ash is joined by some more of his friends, I take the opportunity to scan the room for Robyn. I find her talking to all her friends in the corner. I tell Ash I'm going to go talk to her and I expect him to just say ok but instead, he pulls me into a hug and whispers 'come back soon'.

I squirm out of his arms and rush away, dodging all the dancing bodies. I eventually make it to Robyn and she looks surprised to see me even though she knew I was coming. I guess she thought I'd be with Ash, like usual. She starts squealing as she pulls me into a hug.

"Samiiiii!" When she pulls back, she frowns. "Why do you look really red?"

I realise it must have been because I blushed when Ash hugged me. And now I'm blushing even more...well done Sam.

"Err... its like, really hot in here?" I stutter out, making it sound more like a question than an answer. Again, well done to me...

Luckily, she seems to accept it and pulls me into the circle of our friends. They all wave and say hi despite the fact I hardly hang around with them anymore.

"Hey Sam, I saw you walk in with Ash before. He's looking on fleek tonight!" Charlotte exclaims and all the girls second her opinion in some shape or form. Most of them say something about how jealous of me they are. Urgh. I have a hot best friend, so what? It's not like I won the lottery or anything! Well...maybe I did. I turn around and find Ash easily through the crowd. I watch him for a few seconds as he laughs with his friends. He is pretty amazing.

"Nah, have you seen Matt tonight? I almost died, he's so hot!" Marnie chimes in.

Everyone knows she has a crush on Matt. She never stops talking about it. I introduced her to him once but Matt rejected her pretty much straight away. He hates people obsessing over him, especially when they use me to get him to notice them too. And believe me, it happens a lot. He has something like forty thousand followers on instagram and he gets thousands of girls inboxing him every day saying how hot he is and how he needs to go out with them. Insert eye roll here.

The girls all keep chatting, adding more guys to the list of boys they 'need' to date. I only join in the conversation occasionally. This is why I prefer hanging around with boys most of the time. I have to be in the right mood for girl talk and now definitely isn't it. Luckily, someone saves me.

A pair of arms snakes around my waist from behind and gently pulls me back against them. All the girls go silent and blush. Before I start to panic about who the hell has their arms around me, they lean down and whisper to me.

"You looked bored as hell."

I instantly know its Ash and relax into his arms. He laughs against my skin as he presses a kiss to my neck, just underneath my ear. I shudder and fight to stop a moan from escaping my lips.

"Sorry guys, I need to steal Sam for a bit." He says, straightening up and lacing his fingers with mine. He starts to pull me away from them as they stare after him, most of them gaping or drooling at the mere sight of him. To be fair, I don't blame them.

He's wearing a white top that clings to his muscles in all the right places, with light blue skinny jeans and a pair of huaraches. His hair is flicked up in a sort of quiff as well and he just looks genuinely amazing. Damn it, why does he have to be so freaking attractive?

{COMPLETED} ✔️ The Girl He Left Behind Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu