Twenty Three

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Laura's POV

I sit happily in Ash's car whilst he walks Samii up to her house. Matt immediately gets out and takes her previous place in the front seat. I can't help but roll my eyes. Turning away from him, I look back over at Sam and Ash. She stands on her doorstep talking to Ash for a while before he pulls her into his arms. It's pretty much almost dark outside but I can still see the beaming smile on her face as he holds her to him. Their hug last longer than your average goodbye hug between friends but I guess that's normal for them two; it's becoming more and more obvious that there's something- I don't know what exactly- between them.

I look over at Matt and see his hands curl into fists as he notices them hugging. He didn't say a word to Samii the whole way here, even when she got out the car and said bye to him. I wonder why...

In case you didn't get it, that last part was supposed to be sarcastic. I know why he can't stand the fact that his brother has his hands all over the girl that he loves more than anyone. I don't know what type of love it is he feels for her but I'm pretty sure it's not just the 'she's like my twin sister' kind.

Finally Ash releases Sam and gets back in the car. Samii stands in her doorway and smiles sadly.

"You're seriously not letting her come?" I ask Ash as I lean forward between the gap in the two front seats.

"No." He and Matt both say at the same time. I roll my eyes and slide back into my seat, defeated.

"But it's not like it's going to happen again...She's a good kid, she can look after herself." I say, fighting Samii's case once again even though I know the answer already.

Ash looks over at her where she still stands. She gives him a sad wave and he sighs.

"No. She means too much." He says as he drives off, speeding down the empty street. "And besides, I'm not in the mood for babysitting."

I frown at the last part. I had no idea he felt like that. I mean sure, since Sam started coming out with us to parties and stuff, Ash doesn't drink as much and he definitely doesn't get with as many girls as he used to but I thought he'd just grown out of the whole 'I'm the biggest player ever' phase. I guess I was wrong.

"Is that why you never drink as much when she comes out? Because you feel like you have to watch over her?" I ask, knowing I could be venturing into dangerous territory here.

"Sort of." He groans, probably because he didn't think anyone would actually hear his babysitting remark. "And I don't want her to think of me as a jerk that gets drunk out of his mind and sleeps with any girl who bats her eyelashes at him."

"But you do do that..." I tease. He looks at me in his rear view mirror and gives me a sarcastic smile. I just laugh.

I'm not judging him. Well, maybe a little bit. He's eighteen and he's probably the hottest guy around here, I wouldn't expect anything less if I'm honest.

I change the subject since I've obviously pissed him off.

"Is Jessica coming out tonight?"

"No." He replies and say's no more. So I guess that's another topic to go on the avoid list...

I decide not to say anything else for a while and instead lean over and rest my head on James' shoulder. He looks away from his phone and kisses me softly before wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

After a while, Matt start's talking to Ash. They're not whispering but talking quietly. I don't know if that's because they don't want us to hear or if they just think we're not listening anyway.

"Why you in such a touchy mood?" Matt asks Ash.

"Jessica." Is his answer. He drums his fingers on the steering wheel as if he's debating something in his head. "And Sam."

Matt huffs and I presume it's his way of saying he understands.

"So you getting drunk tonight since she's not here?"

"Fuck yeah." Ash replies and Matt laughs along with him.

"Yesss bro." Matt says as he claps Ash on the shoulder.

Oh great. Again, that was sarcastic. I guess the old Westbrook brothers are back and when they're both together, they are lethal. This party is going to be insane.

After a while, we're almost at the party and I start to realise why Ash especially wouldn't let Samii come to this party. It's being thrown by a guy called Leighton that Ash and Matt somehow know. His house is way out of town so there's never that many people from our school there but his parties are always on another level. His house is massive and he even has a pool which normally means the party is full of half-naked people. Add in the fact that Leighton's sister is a well-known DJ so the music is always on point and then on top of that, Leighton is probably the only guy who could challenge Ash and Matt for the title of biggest party animal. Yeah, I don't blame Ash for this being the only party he's never let Sam come to, even before the incident.

As we pull up outside his house, I can already hear music blaring and we're not even out the car. We all get out and I can see that Ash's down mood he was in ever since he left Sam has pretty much disappeared as has Matt's and now they're basically bouncing up and down in anticipation. Even I'm getting excited now.

We all head up the driveway and already all eyes are on Ash and Matt. Two girls leaning against a nearby tree smoking start squealing when they realise who the two lads who just arrived are.

"Oh my god oh my god, I can't believe they're actually here!" One of them squeals in a voice so high that I'm surprised my brain could register it. I guess this is normal since this party is mostly filled with girls who don't go to school with them and the boys are just a myth to them.

I look over and roll my eyes at the smug looks on their faces. Boys are such losers.

As we head inside, I can already tell I'm going to be deaf for the next few days but I don't exactly care because the music is amazing. James pulls me against him and puts a protective arm around me when he notices guys looking at me. I lean into him and kiss his arm; my silent thank you.

I fight off another eye roll at the sheer amount of girls whispering and screaming about Ash and Matt being here. I would find it annoying if it was me but they revel in it. I can almost feel their egos growing.

We head into the kitchen where every counter it covered in beer bottles and people are using kegs as seats. Oh god. Seconds later, Leighton comes running over, leaving the girl he was talking to looking annoyed as fuck. He man hugs the boys in the usual way guys do before hi-fiving me.

"Hey Laur." He smiles as he hands James and I a bottle each. Ash and Matt both got handed drinks by random girls as soon as they walked through the door. Typical...

He starts talking to Matt and Ash, leaving James and I to ourselves. James leans down and kisses me just next to my ear. I melt at his touch.

"Wanna go make-out?" He whispers in the voice he knows I can't resist. I still smack him in the chest for being so forward though. I hesitate, wondering if I should really leave Ash alone when he could get seriously wasted tonight. I decide to stop feeling obliged to look after him and instead pull James off into another room.

I'm already loving this party.

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