Twenty Seven

407 22 1

Samii's POV

Boys are so freaking stupid!

First I have Beth none stop calling me at 4AM and now someone's pounding on my door and it's not even seven yet. I mean it's not like I was sleeping, that's pretty impossible right now, but still...I don't exactly feel like socialising this early in the morning. I groan and drag myself from where I was hiding under my duvet and look out my window only to see Ash's car parked outside. Urghh!

I run down the stairs and his banging on the door gets louder.

"Come one Samii! I need to talk to you!" He shouts as I stand on the other side of the door.

I debate just going back to bed and ignoring him but I guess Matt's the only one that did anything wrong. I'm still angry at Ash don't get me wrong, but at least he didn't kiss the biggest bitch in the world.

I unlock the door and Ash stumbles into my hallway since he was leaning on the door when I opened it. I just stand there as he tries to act like that didn't just happen and try to hide my smile. Once he remembers why he's actually here, he wastes no time before walking over to me and attempting to hug me, attempting being the key word here.

I shake my head at him, a silent warning. He steps back and nods, realising I'm not ready for that. What follows can only be described as the most awkward awkward silence in the history of awkward silences.

"Not right now..." I offer, trying to ease the tension I just created. "I'm still-"

"Angry. I know." He smiles. "I get it. I'd be angry if I was you."

I raise an eyebrow at him and he laughs slightly. I was so not expecting him to say that. Intrigued by what else he has to say, I go into the living room and motion for him to follow me. He does and sits down on the couch next to me, close but still giving me my space.

"I'm sorry Sam." His eyes plead with me, like me not forgiving him would kill him.

"What for? Treating me like I'm a five year old? Embarrassing me in front of everyone? Making me want to never talk to you again?"

He sighs and looks at the ground for a while, bouncing his leg up and down like he's nervous.

"All of the above." He replies, his voice laced with guilt. However, he still doesn't look at me.

"I don't know what to say." I mumble. I'm finding it hard to stay angry at him when all I want is for him to hug me and tell me everything is OK because I need it. I don't think I can deal with the pain of seeing Matt with her on my own for much longer.

"It's fine Sam. I just wanted you to know that I'm really sorry for the way I acted, you don't have to forgive me."

I sigh. It's so hard to be objective about Ash when all I can think about is seeing Matt with his hands on her and...

Ash breaks me away from my thoughts my holding my hand.

"And anyway, there's something else I need to say. I need you to know that yeah, last night I went about it in the wrong way but Samii, I am always going to protect you. I'm always going to try and keep you safe because you mean way too much to me and damn, I don't know what I'd do of someone hurt you. I don't expect you to understand but I remember seeing you in the hospital when you were born and I've watched you grow up so I just have this need inside me to keep watching over you. You're my best friend no matter what and I love you more than anyone."

What? Like...what just happened? As his words sink in, I know I'm not angry anymore and instead I just feel weak. I try to stop myself from crying but his words mean too much and I can't help it. As soon as he sees a tear roll down my cheek, he pulls me over to him and wraps me in a tight hug.

He gently strokes my back as I curl into him. After a while I don't know whether I'm actually crying because of what he said or because of his dumbass brother.

"We should both get some sleep." Ash says as he pulls me through the door to his house. I didn't want to go but I presumed Matt was still at Beth's house. As we walk upstairs an past Matt's room, I freeze. The door to his room is open so I can see he's not there but the feelings he caused still bubble up.

Ash realises I stopped following him and walks back over to me.

"I'm sorry he hurt you." He whispers and he wraps me in a comforting hug. "He's who I should have been protecting you from."

I shake my head.

"No, it's fine." It's not. "I've got you, that's all I need"

I smile a watery smile at him as he wipes my tears away.

"Just forget about my brother." He mumbles against my skin as he kisses my forehead.

"Yeah, I will." I won't.

I'm lying to my best friend but I'm going to make that statement true.

Matt means nothing to me. I don't like him.

Ash is the one who I really love.

Now I've just got to believe myself.

{COMPLETED} ✔️ The Girl He Left Behind जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें