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After sitting in a completely awkward silence for what feels like forever, I realise how different it is to being with Matt. With him, we could have sat here for hours in silence and it would have been comfortable and normal, I guess. But sitting here with Ash feels wrong. Its tension filled and I feel like I'm suffocating. And anyway, this was Matt and I's place; I don't like the fact that Ash being here feels like an invasion.

"I'm sorry. For everything. I never should have used you to start an argument with Matt. I was just in a bad mood and the thought of you and Matt just made me annoyed even more."

"You didn't seem in a bad mood when you were making out with your girlfriend..." I say, trying to sound bored and not let on that even thinking about them together is doing my head in.

"You saw that? Sorry..." He blushes with embarrassment, something he rarely does. "Well, she was actually the reason I was annoyed. I mean after she left. I just realised that she never want's to hang out with my friends or with you... I don't know. She's just...urgh, it doesn't matter."

I let go of the breath I was holding. Somewhere in my mind, I was convinced he was going to say 'she's not you'. I guess I was stupid for thinking he'd ever think of me like that. Damn it Sam.

"So, can you forgive me?" He says, swinging to the side so he bumps his swing with mine. When I look up at him, he has his big goofy smile plastered on his face and I melt. I know he hasn't exactly apologised for everything but I nod anyway and he jumps up, coming to stand in front of me.

"What?" I ask when he just keeps standing there.

"Give me a hug, idiot." He says like it's the most obvious thing ever. I laugh and jump off the swing. He instantly reaches his arms around me and crushes me into his body. I breathe in the familiar smell of him and I feel at home. He holds me there for a long time, like he's waiting for me to be the first one to pull away. I don't think I'm ready to just yet, this is what I've been craving since yesterday and it feels too damn good to let him go right now.

Eventually, when I presume it's been too long and that he'll be bored, I move away slightly. He surprises me when he doesn't kiss my forehead like normal, this time he kisses my cheek. I pray that he doesn't hear my slight gasp as his lips linger on my skin. All I want to do is tilt my head up slightly and kiss him for real. I'm seriously considering it but all of a sudden, he moves away, almost like he caught himself lingering a bit to long for it just to be a friendly kiss. He covers up anything he was feeling though with one of his cheeky amazing smiles.

"Come on," He says, turning around and motioning for me to climb on his back. He effortlessly lifts me up and I wrap my legs around him as he walks.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he continues to give me a piggyback all the way to his car.

"It's Saturday so I believe I have some pancakes to make and we have some cartoons to watch."

His smile drives every piece of doubt away and I can't help but smile along with him.

I'm so deep in between him and Matt that I'm pretty sure there's no way out now.


Urgh and sorry is all I have to say ahah. I know some of you were expecting Matt and Sam to have a heart to heart and they will, but not just yet ;)

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