No secrets

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"Like in the fanfic where-"


Chanyeol shouts at me, covering my mouth.  Both of us are quickly flushed from the, well, graphic fanfiction written about us by a fan.  I'm warning you, never Google yourself, we both regret it.  Grey is quite confused as she looks between us, chewing on her knuckles and reaching for her gym bag.

"Ookay then you two, since you seem um, okay with this?  I'm just gonna go now?"

"Wait wait wait how what no wait-"

I stammer as Grey tries to run past us.  I reach out and grab her around the waist, pulling her into my side.

"No no no we're going to talk about this.  Extensively."

I murmur, then my phone starts to sing "Chogiwa" thanks to our over protective leader, Suho.

"Yeah Suho we're on our way back."

"And did you go invade poor Grey's personal space?  Do consider she's still adjusting to this lifestyle."

"Ah well *cough* oh look my phone's dying sixty three percent talk later!"

And I slide to end the call, congratulating myself on the smooth excuse.  I realize Grey still has to change and shoo her into the bathroom, waiting outside with Chanyeol because we, are, carpooling. 

"Done yet?"

I shout for the tenth time.

"Almost you little-"

I don't catch the last part but I can imagine, and as we head out to the van my questions continue to bubble up and almost explode.

"Okay so let me get this straight."

I state, crossing my legs and leaning forward.  I'm sitting in the back seat with Grey while Chanyeol drives.

"You're a hybrid of sorts?  That's like an animal crossed with a human right?"

Grey slouches and sighs, obviously not wanting to discuss the matter.

"I'm a wolf hybrid, made in the U.S.A. To be specific.  That's where the lab was anyway, who knows where my exact D.N.A. really came from.  I'm not, an animal crossed with a human, I'm a genetically modified human with the characteristics of a wolf.  I was originally created as a super soldier."


I reply with an intellectual flair.  Chanyeol finally speaks up from the front.

"Okay that makes sense, I guess, but how are you not in a lab somewhere?"

With this Grey seems to perk up, his shoulders push back as he lifts his head in the air.

"I escaped when I was fourteen.  Me and ten others completely toppled the lab and escaped, each of us hiding in a different country for a year and laying down a fake trail that lead to our 'death'.  I died in the Tibetan mountains for example."


I reply, still completely lost in this whole 'werewolves exist' reality I've been sucked into.  Grey loses his air of pride, leaning forward and taking my hand in his.

"Baekhyun-hyung, Chanyeol-hyung, I'm telling you my story because my situation is a very dangerous one.  Were the public to find out, or even the rest of the band, it would put me right back on the governments radar.  I'd have to go back into hiding and leave my precious home here in Korea behind forever.  I'll tell you all you wish to know, but you must keep it between us."

I swallow and nod, realizing the gravity of what we've gotten ourselves into.  Grey seems satisfied and goes back to watching the scenery flash by, Chanyeol and I sharing glances through the mirror.  As we pull into the parking lot for our interview, I grab my bag out of the back and unbuckle.

"I understand, but there's one thing.  We are one, Exo doesn't have secrets."

And I throw on my sunglasses before stepping out into the beating hot sunlight.  The truth hurts, but secrets divide, and I can't let the same thing happen again. 

(Me and my sporadic nonsense authors notes.  I seem to have trouble getting things out in the open, as in I've been putting off this chapter for oh...a while let's say.  And if anyone is finding the him/her of Grey confusing let me know and I'll try to fix it somehow heh.  The general rule I've been going by is if Grey's in girls clothing, she, and guys clothing, he.  I think that's it lol my authors notes up my word count and make me feel less guilty about the short chapters ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye)

And we
And we
And we
And we
I love you guys!


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