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"We can use this for performances."

"I'm sure the fans would love a heated make out session."


I say, tossing him a water.  I shamelessly watch him drink, proud that I made him that tired and confused and he still has that blissed out look right to his messed up hair.  I did that.  He glares at me and I just know I look a lot less wrecked, and I smile.  God, I love being in control.  Who knew Kai would let me.

"I think we should pair up for the water dance and play boy, apologies to Sehun but I've surpassed him in dancing."

"Someone's gotten cocky about them self."

He says, walking past me to take a look at my cracked screen.  Suho did sarcastically take the position of "sugar daddy" and I'm grudgingly taking the help. 

"Careful, you're the one who looks like they just got screwed."

"I wishhhh."

He whines, stumbling when I shove his shoulder.  I'm still just a little above doing it in the dance practice room.  Not much, but still.

"W-why do you say you don't like dancing if you're better at it than Sehun and probably going to end up as good as me."

I push his hair off his forehead, his eyes closing instantly. 

"If you haven't noticed, I like being in control.  And turns out, I like controlling you."

He coughs, cursing me out before sitting down and pulling my hoodie onto his lap.  I laugh at his miffed sulking, now quite sure what buttons to push. 

"In all honestly I hate dancing alone, and I hate dancing in a group, because neither way feels like anyone has my back.  But I know if I fuck up, no matter what, you'll cover for me."

It's a question.  It's a "do you have my back now that we made out and I might not die this week" type question and a "can you support me without being in love with me" and "can I trust you on stage where I am my most raw and angry and heart broken" type question.

"I'll cover you."



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