chapter 1: its a start

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For the last couple of months I had gotten stuck into the routine of going to my crappy job in order to earn enough money in order to keep living in my crappy two bedroom apartment which I share. I recently moved to new York, Staten island to be closer my half brother.

Turns out my mum left my dad after she realized that he had a kid with someone else in new York. He went off and stayed with the woman who was the mother to my half brother (Toby). I never saw him again after he left the country.

After I thought that maybe it was time to confront my dad and tell him as to why he never came back to see me I had been given the news by my brother Toby that him and his recent wife died in a car crash . I realized that after considering we both had lost a father we needed to be there for each other. My mum hated me for reasons unknown anyway so she wouldn't really care if I wasn't in her presence.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and as I went to look at the screen I saw that Toby had sent me a text.

Toby: movie marathon tonight what films u wanna watch.

Me: Superman the first 1

Toby: k we'll watch it when I get back from work

Me: i finish early today if u don't get back quick enough I'll watch it without u!

I put my phone back in my pocket as i was already late for my shift, so I needed to get into work quick

"How's my little London girl doing" I was greeted into work by my co worker and rather good friend Robbie.

"Oh yknow not great" I sighed and landed my bag on the bar whilst taking my seat on a stool opposite Robbie who was wiping down the bar.

"What's wrong" he leant himself towards me, our faces were inches apart causing me to feel his breath on my skin as he tucked a loose peace of hair I had behind my ear.

"Nothing, its fine actually" I got up and parted myself from him feeling uncomfortable at our closeness. I wasn't one who liked to be touched by people or be to close to someone so a lot of the time I would back out of certain scenarios that involved me having people in my personal space.

"You sure" he reached out and brushed his hand on my shoulder.


"Good because its your shift" he leant himself back up and rested his hands on his hips "you should do fine, there's barley anyone here anyway" he came out from behind of the bar and gave me a friendly pat on the back before leaving.

It's astonishing that time fly's when your having fun, but when your on your bar tending shift ten minutes can seem like ten hours. No one would be cought coming threw the doors of this little building on the corner of the road and I was one to be stuck working in it.

The only thing that I had to keep my mind occupied with was cleaning glasses, even if they were already clean I had got to the level of boredom were I was repeatedly doing the one and only same thing but at least they were left glistening.

I heard the doors open but didn't bother to look up at whoever it was straight away. I didn't want to seem to relieved that we had finally gotten a costumier.

"Can I get a beer please" I glanced up at him as he took a seat on the stool opposite from my standing presence.

"Sure mate" I leant down below the bar to the mini fridge under neath and took an ice cold beer in my grasp before getting back up, sliding his what seemed like refreshing drink right now towards him in his direction.

He took the lid off before gulping the alcoholic beverage down and I couldn't help but get caught up in looking at his face. I knew I knew him from somewhere but where. He had long scruffy hair and a beard that covered up a half of his face needles to say he was rather attractive even if he didn't have the perfect body type.

"Fill free to admire me" he spoke shaking me out of my thoughts while I started to blush.

"I'm sorry, I just feel like I've seen you before"

"Do you like what you see" he directed a rather confident smile in my direction.

"What's with the long hair?" I questioned him, returning the smile in the process.

"It gives the ladies something to hold on to" he spoke before going back to his bear.

"How very generous of you" I rested my elbow on the bar and rested my chin on my palm "so what brings you in 'ere , I thought by the lack of people you would have got the impression that we were closed"

"Me and my friends our filming something not to far away from here, so I just came in for a quick drink" and that's when I recognized him I felt stupid for not realizing it earlier. "Maybe you know the show"

"Impractical jokers" I finished him off. I can't believe it. It was Q off impractical jokers. Who except characters in fanfictions about this guy does this happen to.

"Oh so you have heard"

I nodded in response not wanting to burst out shouting at his face and demanding autographs

"Do you have a favorite on the show?" He questioned

"Joes actually quite funny" I smiled at him and watched the desperate look on his face wanting me to continue till he was happy enough with my answer. "But that Q guy, I mean he has to be the best"

"I'm sorry I got lost in your accent, who did you say was the best"

"Don't act like you didn't hear me" I spoke showing off my sassy side.

"But I didn't cutie"

"Cutie? I hope that nickname sticks

"It suits you"

"No it doesn't, I don't think I've ever been described as cute in my life"

"Even the way you said that was cute" I think at this

"Shut up" I giggled as I could feel myself blush slightly

"Does that mean your not gonna want my number then" He grabbed a tissue from off the pile on the bar and grabbed a pen as I stayed silent in shock "Then make sure you call me sometime" he writ down his number and passed it to me.

"I bet every girl gets your number"

"Nope, only the ones I have an interest in actually getting to know" he said getting up off his stool. "I better get going now, in case my friends need me"

"I'm Chloe by the the way"

"Cool I'm Brian" he spoke before going to walk out.

"I know" I shouted smiling as he turned around stopping in his tracks as he was just about to go threw that door. He gave me a quick smile and then actually left. Leaving me with my thoughts which were...

Oh my god did Brian Quinn really just give me his number.


After my shift I practically raced home, and by home I mean two two bedroom apartment where I live with my half brother but by the time I got home there was no one there.

I set up the movie and laid myself on the couch waiting to hit play on the remote by the time Toby was to come threw the front door but after waiting.....and waiting...... And waiting he didn't turn up.

I felt my eyes begin to shut slowly as I felt the exhumation from today take over my body. I couldn't help but let myself fall asleep.

"Clo, wake up I'm home" I felt a gentle nudge only to open my eyes and see Toby.

"You wouldn't actually believe what happened to me today tobe"I spoke in a yawn


"I met Q off impractical jokers"

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