chapter 7: sorry this chapter sucks but i was bored at 2am,its just a fil in

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"🎶the top of my heart when it skips a beat, can't feel no pavement right under my feet, up in my lonely room when I'm dreaming of you, oh what can I do. I still need you but I don't want you now🎶"

I practically shouted whilst singing along to the lyrics of the corals 'dreaming of you' as I jumped around the kitchen making myself breakfast.

"Please could you shut up, I'm trying to watch this" I heard Toby shout out from the living room, turning the stereo off I looked over to see what he was watching 'the big bang theory' that was defiantly not going to be on much longer.

I grabbed my breakfast which was just a bacon sandwich and took a seat next to Toby on the couch, I placed my plate of breakfast on the arm rest before taking the TV remote from Toby's grasp.

"What are you doing I'm watching that" he spoke in annoyance.

"I'm not"

I flicked threw the TV channels and seeing though there was nothing actually good on TV I put 'the joy of techs' on demand.

"Really this" he questioned, still annoyed at me.

"Really yes, its better then 'the big bang theory' which I've seen a million times over"

"Yeah but clo  really, you want to watch this"

"Yes that's why I put it on"

He stayed quiet after that, my guess is that because he found the program that I had put on actually interesting and as I was sitting there watching TV myself I couldn't help but think, man all that technology that Alexis Conran is using to impress Marcus brigstocke
must be expensive.

But after a long period of silence had past something didn't feel natural, I began to feel Toby's eyes on me, turning around I noticed him glaring at me with a warm smile on his face, his eyes relaxed and having him in my company somehow felt cosy.

"Your the exact image of dad yknow, the strawberry blonde hair, sparkling grey eyes even your interests are the same. You had so much in common with him, its unbelievable" he took a deep breath in and exhaled out a smile.

I smiled gently in return, it felt comforting knowing that I inherited a lot of my dads distinguishing looks, which I knew were defiantly from my dad and not from my mum.

Toby didn't really inherent the blonde hair grey eyes from my father though, he had blackish brown hair and dark chocolatey eyes, I don't even actually think we looked at all alike, I know we're only half siblings but still, he didn't have any of my dads features.

"He would of loved a chance to see you again clo, see the person you've become" a mix of emotions took over me as he spoke, remembering that he never actually did see me again after he left, I was 12 at the time and even if he couldn't come back to London to see me that even a letter could've been sent as a form of contact.

"But he didn't did he, he never saw me again" I wiped a single tear away from my eye, as I got up to answer the sudden knock at the door.

Opening the door My eyes were brought to see Q standing there with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Purple tulips and white daises to be specific.

"Hey babe" he spoke before giving me a quick kiss on the cheek and handing me the flowers.

"Aw Q you didn't have to"

"I wanted to" he immediately noticed that at this moment in time I wasn't myself, I took the flowers from his grasp and he took hold of me ever so gently by the shoulders. "Are you okay"

"I'm fine" I sniffled,"Q, but seriously though you didn't have to get me flowers "

I never liked the idea of someone giving me a gift, I never got a lot of  stuff when I was younger so it was a shock for me every time I got something from someone.

"Hey um later I'm going out with the guys and I was actually hoping that you could come along yknow and meat them" he spoke rubbing the back of his neck, a habbit that I had picked up on.

"Yeah sure that would be fun" I spoke with a smile covering my panic. What if his friends didn't like me, what if they thought I was weird or quiet or just boring oh god.

"I better go to work now I'll pick you up at the bar at the end of your shift okay" he gave me a quick kiss and then followed through with his goodbye.

Shutting the door I turned back to Toby.

"How serious are you two then" Toby questioned from the couch.

"We haven't said its a proper relationship just yet but if I catch him with another women I won't hesitate to rip her hair out"

"So you wouldn't describe yourself as a jealous person then"


A few hours later I got ready and had arrived at work. Robbie was in fact there on my shift with me but no words were shared between us for hours.

I was now counting down the seconds of the very few minutes I had left of work but my stomach turned and time seemed to stop when I heard Robbies voice.

"How did it get so awkward between us" he let out.


"No Chloe, don't even talk right now, I have feelings for you okay yknow that and the way you push it to the back of your mind annoys the hell out of me cause I know that you have feelings for me too 'cause if you didn't you wouldn't of come back to mine that night"

"I should never have come back to yours that night, I was drunk and it just ended up with me feeling cheap and dirty"

"Enjoy your time with your TV star boyfriend then, see how long that lasts before he leaves you and the most upsetting thing about the truth of this is that I'll be there to comfort you"

I picked up my bag and threw it over my shoulder noticing my shift was over. I turned to go towards the doors only to see Q was coming through them.

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