chapter 9: what the fuck

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Silence surrounded me. The streetlights shun my path as I walked down the street, Q by my side silent. A shiver over took me as the wind hit my skin. I shivered as I tried to rub both of my arms for warmth.

"You cold" Q questioned, speaking to me finally but I was still so shocked from what happened earlier I couldn't bring myself to reply.

The atmosphere went silent yet again, this situation confused me, what was I suppose to say how was I suppose to act, I mean sal had just clearly exposed Q as a male slut or a player for the clean term.

"Cutie, I don't expect you to say it back but I just want you to know how I actually feel about us. I'm not good at putting words together but I can honestly say that I'm falling more and more for you each day"

"And exactly how many women have you said that to"

His face turned to utter confusion, I just wanted to know if he was being genuinely honest about the way he feels about me or if he had said this line way to many times before.

"What are you talking about....wait was this about what sal said"

"I don't want to be just another girl to you Q"

"I just poured my fucking feelings out to you and instead of feeling it back your upset about what sal said"

"Q I want to know if this is real or not.....I....."

"Do you think its real?" He questioned and like the idiot I was I couldn't reply.

"I guess you wouldn't, you can't believe it when something actually good happens to you" he spoke before storming off to leave me standing in the street.

"Q wait, for fuck sake you can't just leave me hear"

But he did and it was my actions that had caused this"

What the fuck have I done

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