chapter 5: not official...not yet at least

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I stretched out my arms whilst letting a groan escape me. Why did waking up have to be so hard. I mean I did it yesterday did I really have to do it again. I pulled the collar of my T-shirt up to hide my face in but something didn't seem familiar about it and then the realisation had come to me. This wasn't my T-shirt. I springed up and looked around me at the unfamiliar room. How the fuck did I end up hear.

"Morning cutie" I saw Q leant on the door frame, smiling at me.

I started to remember last night, I don't think anything happened last night all I started to remember was me falling asleep downstairs but what I couldn't recollect from last night was how I ended up in Q's bed and his T-shirt.

"I think that's the first time I've had a girl sleep over and not rocked her world in bed" he spoke.

"I bet this was the first time you've had a girl sleep over" i got out of bed and stood in front of Q showing him off a smile as I stretched

He stroked my chin with his index finger and tilted my head upwards before he looked down and kissed the tip of my nose.

"Would you like a bacon sandwich"

"I would actually love a bacon sandwich"

And with that i followed him as being the gentleman he seemed was off to go and make me breakfast.


I noticed Q's eyes burn on me as he looked me up and down. I was leant up against the counter eating the breakfast he had made me as he was sat down at the table.

"Feel free to admire me then" I spoke, actually quoting him, from a couple days ago when I first actually met him.

He raised an eyebrow at me informing me that he liked what he was seeing.

"if nothing did happen last night, then how am I in your shirt" I looked at him in confusion.

"You were falling asleep on me, and like I said you certainly wasn't gonna leave last night so, I gave you one of my t-shirts and slept on the couch"

"I would of slept on the couch" I had a brief feeling of guilt as he had given up his bed for me.

"I wouldn't of let that happen"

"I feel bad, wasn't it uncomfortable"

"A bit, but next time...." He got up and stood inches apart from my face. He placed his hands on either side of my hips and looked down to me. God he made me feel short, I mean I had to look up just to have proper eye contact with him. "We won't need to worry about sleeping arrangements"

"And why is that" I leant up and spoke flirtatiously in his ear.

"Cause next time we could just share the bed" he picked me up by the waist and sat me on the counter.

He leant closer to me and traveled his hands up my bear thigh's. I felt intoxicated from the weak smell of his aftershave that he had on yesterday. But lucky for me I could resist what he thought would happen. I placed the palms of my hands on his chest and gently pushed him away.

"What makes you think there would be a next time."

"Chloe listen, its pretty obvious isn't it, I mean I like you and i can tell and only hope you like me too so aren't we seeing each other on a regular bases now"

"I mean its not like official yet, but I guess so, yeah. I do like you Q but I don't see us as being a couple, not yet anyway"

"I understand that and I don't see us in an official relationship yet either, but what I'm saying is, is that I enjoy being in your company and hanging out with you, so until your ready we don't have to call this a relationship. I just wanna get a chance to see you" he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him "and cuddle you" I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck before feeling the gentle touch of his lips on my neck. "And kiss you" he trailed a line of kisses from my neck, across my jaw line and finally to my lips.

"So I guess there will be a next time then" I spoke whilst escaping his grasp. "But for now I have a job to go to"

"Oh I saw your co worker looking at me funny, I don't know if he's just jealous or intimidated by me" he took a second to show off a smug smile. "But if he could just not do that, that would be great"

"I'll talk to him"


"What the hell Robbie, why have you been giving Q dirty looks for and what the hell was with that text last night" not the most civil way to come into work, but I wasn't a civil person so fuck it.

"What?" He came from out the bar and stormed in my direction.

"You heard me"

"Where were you last night, your in the same cloths as yesterday for gods sake" he walked away with a disgusted look spread across his face.

"Why are you acting like this all of a sudden, I don't get why your so jealous"

"What I don't get is why you were all over me and now that some guy off TV shows up and I don't even matter to you"

"Robbie I just don't like you in that way"

"Oh but you did seem to like it when just a couple weeks ago you were in my bed"


Okay I know its only short but at least I updated okay. I've had writers block and I'm sorry its been quite long. But I'm nearly up to 100 reads so let's get there by the end of the week. If you like this story please vote.

Cary on reading

Luv yah all

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