chapter 3: better than i had expected

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•••It was dead on nine o'clock, which he was the agreed time to meet Q on our date. I was stood outside this cute Italian restaurant in my grey jumper dress, leggings and knee high boots. The cold air felt as though it was slapping me round the face and I began to feel agitated whilst waiting for my date to arrive.

It must've been 20 minutes of me just standing there waiting or me just exaggerating how long I must've been waiting but either way Q was was turning up fashionably late or even worse not turning up at all.

"Is that what you wear on a date" he finally shows up giving me a disgusted look as his eyes went up and down looking at what was wrong with me.

"What's wrong with it" I questioned with obvious annoyance showing off in my voice.

"Nothing, its just I thought you would have at least made an effort" I wondered to myself why Q was acting this way, is this what he was really like, he seemed nice when he was trying to get me on this date but now I'm here he's sort of sounding like a jerk.

"Alright listen, if you wanted there to be some sort of dress code for you taking me to dinner you should of informed me about it"

"You should have known" he spoke under his breath before walking pat me and into the restaurant leaving me to follow behind him.

"Table for two please" he spoke to some waitress trying to get a place for us to sit down but at this point I was just thinking on leaving him hear at the restaurant due to his sligh little comment's.

We got seated next to the window and unlike Q that was all I was interested on, looking out the window away from him.

"Your not even gonna look at me" he spoke in a rather stern tone.

"I don't exactly want to"

"Your unbelievable"

"Hi I'll be your waitress for today can I start you off with some drinks" a pretty brunette came over to take her order whilst from the corner of my eyes I could feel Q's eyes admiring her.

"Anything with alcohol, please" I said it as if I was desperate

"I'll take the same, and if I can, your number" Q spoke before the waitress went to achieve our drinks ignoring his request.

"So uh how do you like your eggs in the morning fried or scrambled"he turned to me with a devilish smile.

"Is that the kind of thing your mum ses to you"

An uncomfortable silence filled the atmosphere, you didn't need someone to point out this was awkward because it was obvious. This was nothing but another disastrous date for me.

"Yknow what this is clearly not a great, I'm just gonna go" I spoke out whilst getting off my chair.

"No ones stopping you" he scoffed "That waitress is way better looking anyway"

It had to happen again, I couldn't have a connection with anyone. Maybe it began to be my fault. Maybe I just wasn't good enough, maybe i wasn't as pretty as the girls he would probably date. My god why would i even show up to this thing knowing that he would probably think bad of me•••

This date with Q running through my head was just leaving me to be anxious. Scenarios just filled up in my head but what if my thoughts on how this date would go actually happen. Instead of just imaging what could go wrong what if they do go wrong. The cold air hit me leaving me to shiver. It was dead on nine o'clock and I was already regretting my choice of coming.

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