chapter 4: smooth

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Getting into work the next day I felt the tiredness sink in, having a date with Brian Quinn keeps you up all night.....thinking. It must've been 1000 degrees outside as well add that with the fact that I couldn't sleep last night, I was in no mood to actually do my job.

"Morning sunshine" Robbie spoke rather sarcastically as he noticed the rather unpleasant mood I was in.

"Eh" was all I could say before walking towards the door at the back of the bar, knowing behind that door was the outside smoking area. It hadn't even been a full minute of my shift and already I wanted to go on my break.

Sitting down on the bench I looked up at the blue sky, squinting slightly at the brightness. I just decided that the best thing for me right now was to sit back and relax.

"Clo" although relaxation had to be proven impossible as I couldn't "  and have my shift at the same time.

"What" I moaned

"That guy from the other day, he's back and requesting he has his usual bartender"

"What Guy?, Robbie I'm no ones usual bartender. that's insane"

"No what's insane is that they actually think your a bartender"

I gave Robbie a death glare letting him know that I was in no mood for any of his jokes as I got up and made my way back to the bar.

"I said it would be very soon" I noticed my date from last night Q, wearing a smile across his face.

"Sure its not too soon, I thought you guys had to do the whole two weeks waiting thing in fear of looking needy" I stood behind the bar opposite him.

"Do you just want me to go then" he questioned

"No you can stay"

"Don't worry I wasn't going to go anyway" he smiled at me, leaving their to be a pause of silence before he spoke again "so I was wondering if...."

"Hey Q what you doing" murr who I knew from the show came and sat down next to Q, also interrupting him though

"Trying to score a date now piss off" he whispered to murr but I still managed to hear what he had said.

"Yeah murr, now quit trying to cock block him" I spoke gaining eye contact from murr.

"Woh you know she's cute right" murr directed his comment rather enthusiastically

"Yeah but I need to be reminded of that every so often" speaking I smiled at Q

"And I'm trying to do that exact thing for her so could you leave me to it" Q spoke to murr but smiled at me the entire time as he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of me.

"Sorry" murr said to me before facing Q "we gotta film in an hour so be there okay"

"Okay" Q said to murr before murr felt so awkward and obliged to leave me and Q alone.

"So how cute am i" I rested my elbow on the bar and my chin on the palm of my hand as I continued to smile at Q.

"Cute enough that I would want to see you again tonight"

"I'd like that, but I just want to have like, a quiet night in, not another expensive dinner"

"We could go to mine and watch a film if you want"

"Great, text me the address okay"

"Okay" he leant across the bar and gave me a quick peck on the cheek which caused me to blush.

"I'll be seeing you later" walking away he waved his hand goodbye before leaving the bar.

"You got another date then" jumping in my skin I heard Robbie's voice behind me.

"Yeah, yeah I did" I turned round to face him.

"Good for you, guess a guy has to be really lucky to get a second date from you" I defiantly wasn't one to let comments like his slide so I had to explain to him what was wrong about what he had said.

"Listen Robbie, I like him that's why he's getting a second date, its not because he's lucky and if anything I should be the lucky one considering he could have his choice of tons of girls and also why would you even care about who I go on dates with"

"All im trying to say is that maybe you could of given me more of a chance to make you happy"


As expected my shift was dreadfully long. all I had to do was to count down the minutes I had before I could see Q even if Robbie was sceptical about the whole situation.

I got home, got changed and arrived at Q's house in less then an hour, turns out it was in walking distance from my apparent, lucky me.

Finding myself outside his front door nervousness over took me as I wondered if this could go as better as my previous date with him. Finally I built up the courage to knock and almost immediately I saw the door open with Q behind it.

"There you are cutie, come in" he smiled and welcomed me inside his home "what film did you want to watch?"

"I don't know what film did you wanna watch"

"I don't know what film do you wanna watch" he laughed as he walked past me to his huge DVD collection and his flat screen TV.

"Well I don't want to bore you with a chick flick so....." I dangled my finger over the rows of DVDs he had till I landed on....."back to the future"

"Awesome I'll put it on, feel free to take a seet"

I sat on the left side of the couch and awaited for him to sit next to me but instead he sat on the floor in front of me, did he really find that much comfort on the carpet as a pose to sitting with me.

"I didn't know I smelt that bad" I jokingly said

"Do you wanna come sit down here with me?"

"Fine, thanks for the offer though"

But although I had said I was fine not sitting at the side of him halfway through the movie I slithered down to the floor, sitting next to Q as both of our backs leant against the couch and our faces drawn to the TV.

In the corner of my eye I spotted Q's arm lift up before I felt it wrap around my shoulder.

"So smooth" I chuckled Quietly before I looked up to face him, seeing his eyes focused on the TV before they slowly moved to give me eye contact.

"You don't seem to mind"

"I know, that's why I let it happen"

"I really want to kiss you right now" he spoke barley about a whisper

"So do it"

With his index finger he guided my chin up and slowly made his face move closer to mine. I closed my eyes before feeling the gentle touch of his lips and fire works in my stomach.

By the time I reopened my eyes I watched him pull away leaving me disappointed that it was over but happy that it happened.

"I really like you, yknow that right" he spoke giving me constant eye contact

"I like you to"

"I don't know how I'm gonna let you leave out that door tonight"

"Q theres no possible way to do that without it being classified with kidnapping" I laughed at my sarcasm

"I just don't want this moment to end"

I felt the vibration from my phone in my pocket only to see I had a text from Robbie.

Robbie: can't believe ur with someone else tonight

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket and focused my attention and thoughts back onto Q.

He wrapped his arm tighter around me and kissed my fore head, so I just decided to snuggle into his chest I was so relaxed at this moment I couldn't stop my eyes from slowly shutting as I doze off to the sound of Q's beating heart and the song earth angle in the background. Maybe I wasn't leaving out that door tonight after all

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