chapter 10: does this mean

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Aurrhhhhh" I groaned as I belly flopped on to the couch.

I just laid there for a couple seconds trying not to break out into tears. C'mon Chloe you strong, you can't let yourself cry. Actually I couldn't control my emotions, here come the tears.

I'm such a mess, why would I even let myself get myself jealous about Q's past relationships I mean they weren't happening now.

"Aurrrhhhhh" I was beginning to ugly cry.

"Why so glum chum" Toby spoke, coming up to me and gently rubbing my shoulder.

"Bri told me he loved me"

"The guy who's not your boyfriend" he spoke trying to be funny and smart.

"Shut up its complicated"

"Do you love him" he questioned, bending down to look into my eye's.

I stayed silent and just looked at Toby. My feelings for Brian were strong but could it be love? God that sounds cheesy. But could it?

"Well do you?" Toby questioned again.

"I'm gonna go bed, I'm tired" I got up and excused myself from this situation.


Sleeping was a challenge last night, stupid thoughts. It took me forever to try and fall asleep and then the noise of sirens outside woke me up at 10 in the morning.

How could I have been such a fool, how could I of let my insecurities destroy another good thing in my life. I lay there in bed, leaning on my elbows against the mattress, phone in hands desperately awaiting Brian to either call or text me.

But after our incident last night the odds of him wanting to contact me were highly unlikely. I couldn't help but over think what he had said to me, he pored out his feelings and I was so stupid to get caught up in what sal had said.

I couldn't take this much longer I needed to talk to him, but if I was to call him would he pick up.

I dialled his number but after repeatedly doing that for twenty minutes I gave up because there was no answer.

I tried texting him

Me: bri I'm sorry, please answer my calls

And after waiting nearly an hour for a reply I texted him again.

Me: all you have to do is pick up the phone, please Q

This was starting to annoy me now, one last text and then I'll stop

Me: you know what just ignore me then, fuck u.

I threw my phone on the couch and let out a sigh of frustration before pacing up and down the living room wondering if I should just give up on this man right now, seeming as though he obviously didn't want to sort things out.

There was only one thing that might possibly put me in a better mood and that was ice cream. I made my way towards the refrigerator only to end up slamming it back shut in frustration.

"Don't get mad at the fridge that's where the food lives" I heard Toby say to me.

"Well the ice cream has gone extinct"

"I'll try and get some more of it when I get home from work okay" 

"What time do you finish?" I questioned him

"Around 10pm, so try to stay out of trouble"

"Im not a kid I don't need to be told that"

"I'm sorry, what are your plans for today" He smirked knowing it was my day off and I wouldn't be doing anything else then staying home.

I looked towards the PlayStation before answering his question.

"To Bring justice to the streets of Gotham city"

"And you think your not a child" he chuckled before walking out into the outside world.

"I'm not a child, I'm Batman" I mumbled even though I knew he had gone already.

Placing myself on the couch my game began to load, I occasionally looked over to my phone, just checking that Q still hadn't replied to my message but still nothing.

A couple hours later I had lost myself in the game. That's why I nearly jumped out of my skin when there was a knock at the door.

"Its open" I shouted going back to focus on my game.

I heard it open then close shut, only thinking it was Toby coming back to forget something.

"I think I've played this one before" I heard the faint voice of the man who I thought didn't want to speak to me.

turning my neck around I saw him standing there in the same cloths as yesterday, rubbing the back of his neck as he kept his eyes on the TV screen trying not to look at me.

"I got your text, loved the verbal abuse in the last one" he spoke sarcastically, but his sarcasm was followed by an uncomfortable silence.

"You wanna come watch me play?" I questioned him, trying to change the subject away from our argument and just get passed it.

"Wait we're not gonna talk about what happened yesterday then" he turned to look at me.

"I don't  really want to" trying to keep this situation calm and non confrontational I kept the level of my voice at a low.

"Well I do, Chloe all the things I said to you were true, I've never met any girl like you before, I honestly genuinely love you, I've falling for you to the point were I can't get back up and it angered me that what sal had said about me upset you because I thought you could of seen past that because I thought you felt the same"

"Take over for me" I spoke reaching the game controller out to him.

"What?" His voice had a mixture of confusion and just a slight bit of anger.

"This parts hard do it for me" he swiped the controller out of my grasp and sat next to me on the couch.

I got up and separated myself from his view of me, his eyes followed my legs as he noticed me walking past him but he started paying attention when he figured out I was going behind him.

I bent down towards the floor behind the part of the couch were he was sat and wrapped my arms around him before feeling up his chest.

I hadn't ever been good at accepting people opening up there feelings towards me and I was even worse at reacting to those feelings and as I sat there with my arms around my man watching him play my game I could honestly say I thought the same way about him as to the how he just said he felt about me.

"I love you to" barley above a whisper I confessed my feelings with four words as I leant my face against his with a warm smile taking.

Brian dropped the controller, turned around and took hold of my face with the right palm of his hand and guided me into a kiss.

"So does this mean I get to call you my girlfriend now"

"That depends"

"On what?"

"If I can get to call you my boyfriend"

And on that night I would go on to go and change my Facebook status from single to in a relationship. Hahaha in your face both of my Facebook friends,

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