chapter 8: against the world

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"What's going on here" Q spoke standing in the door way, almost looking angry at Robbie. He obviously noticed something was unusual about the atmosphere.

"Nothing Q, now let's go" I approached Q,linking arms with him as I guided us both out the bar.

We walked the next phew blocks in silence and it began to feel uncomfortable so I decided to speak up.

"So where are we meeting your friends?" I questioned to him hoping to keep my mind off the conversation a couple moments ago.

"What was that?" Q spat out in a rather aggressive and unexpected way.

"What was what?"

"That, back there. I walk in because I see he's angry at you and once I come through the doors it falls silent" he was clearly annoyed, I could hear it in the tone of his voice.

"Q it was nothing don't worry about it" he tried storming back into the bar but I hoped that maybe my words and me physically pulling him back by his arm would stop him.

"How could you tell me not to worry about it, it was clear to see whatever he was shouting about had something to do with me and you. Has he got some sort of problem or something"

"Q look at me" I grabbed him by his cheeks and forced him to look in my eye's "it doesn't matter what he said or if he has a problem with what we've got, you shouldn't even care if he does have bad words to say about us. When its me and you Robbie's opinion is non existent"

"Its me and you against the world right" he looked down his facial expressions changed, from a confident man who was ready to fight to an insecure human being.

"I'm just worried about people actually convincing you that we shouldn't eventually be together"he faced down looking genuinely hurt about the whole situation.

"Q no ones gonna convince me anything, I'm a rebel I don't do what people tell me to do" I joked slightly trying to make light of the situation as we continued to walk along the street.

"You promise that I don't have to worry about him though" he spoke, clearly referring to Robbie.

"Bri, you don't need to get jealous"

"Eh I don't get jealous" he stopped in his tracks and got me to face him. "What's mine is mine" he tilted my head upwards to face him and kissed me gently on the tip of my nose "end of story". Back to his confident alpha male persona.


Being the gentleman he was Q held the door me but being the typical man he was he slapped my butt as I walked past him.

"After you sexy" he spoke, walking behind me.

It must've been approaching 9pm already by the time we arrived at the bar where Q's friends were. I spotted them sat in a booth talking, laughing and just joking around I began to feel nervous and my body refused to get any closer to them.

"What's wrong" Q noticed me tense up.

,"I don't know, I mean you guys are off  the TV" I spoke with nothing but nervousness.

"So, cutie your always comfortable around me"

"I know but this time I'm meeting all of the impractical jokers, I'm nervous what if I'm not cool enough to be seen with you guys"

"Your totally cool, now come on"

"Okay but let me change the song they've got first"

"Fine but come back to the booth okay"

I made my way to the jukebox and stood there for what I'm assuming was forever trying to decide what song to put on but it only took one glimpse of my favorite track to decide what song was going to be played.

I made my way to the booth showing off a somewhat friendly smile to the guys. Oh my god I can't even believe I was in the same room as them.

"Did you want an autograph young lady" murr questioned. Q got up noticing it was time to introduce me to his friends.

"Oh em no she's fine" Q spoke getting up and wrapping his arm around me. "Guys this is my girlfrie.... I mean freind......guys this was the girl I was telling you about"

"Ohhh hey , I'm sal.."

"You don't need to introduce yourself, I know youz lots names" I spoke, holy crap I spoke, I didn't even know I could do that considering of how nervous I was.

"Oh did Q tell you about us then" sal spoke, rather confused.

"No he didn't need to, I'm a fan of the show"

Just then all three of the guys faces looked down, murr did his nervous neck twitch, sal rubbed the back of his neck and Joe just suddenly looked awkward.

"What?" I spoke up trying to break the tension.

"Nothing, Chloe? Am I right. You can come sit down...let me just have a word with Q" sal spoke up, guiding Q away from the table.

"So uh Chloe. what's it like dating a homeless man" Joe questioned as murr just sat there and laughed at Joe.

"Alright,but I enjoy doing a lot of charity work" I spoke, joking obviously me and Q at the moment had really good banta so comments like that wouldn't offend either him or me.

I gained a couple laughs from murr and Joe but I had wondered where sal had taken Q.

"Oh what's that" murr said pointing at the ink on my arm.

"A tattoo" I said, pointing out the obvious.

"Of what though?" He questioned back

"George Michael song lyrics"

"Ooohhhh" murr let out but was interrupted by sal shouting at the other side of the restaurant.

"Q you can't just keep hooking up with random fans whenever you feel like it" I heard sal say.

Was I just a random fan, was I just a hook up, I couldn't have been. I know I've only known Q for a month now but I couldn't accept to believe that's all I was to him. But what if I was, what if he only wanted one thing from me only to leave me after.

"Dude its not like that" Q defended himself.

"What do you mean its not like that?, Q what about Tiffany, Sarah or Stacy the list goes on. Stop leading this girl on if you obviously don't want something that lasts"

I honestly thought that Q was a genuine guy, but hearing sal made me feel as if though I had been a fool this entire time, sal had known Q for a much longer time over 20 years to be exact and I guess I had to realize not to let my guard down so easily cause what if what I have with Q isn't genuine on both sides.

"I do want this to last.....I love her"

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