All hail for Prince Taeng

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After a few days, King Taejo finally made decisions that cause a short time chaos between the Royal cabinet members but after the old man's effort of persuading them they gave up but some of them resign replacing by the new sets of scholars from Sungkyungkwan. Preparing for the Princess expensive silky hanbok dress made from China, she stepped out from her displaying her elegancy and sophisticated manner while heading outside the Palace circle with a wide smile from ear to ear, she welcomed by the community and other Royal members of each chaebol family including Yunho's parents who wears a bitter expression.

"ALL HAIL TO OUR ROYAL PRINCESS MIYOUNG!!" The Eunuch shouted for everyone to follow repeatedly watching the beautiful Princess walking through the middle while Taeyeon is already waiting at the altar together with the Royal Priest.

"ALL HAIL!!" Everyone shouted back.

"I SHOWERING YOU BOTH A GRACE FROM HEAVEN ABOVE!!" The King shouted next making Miyoung warmly smile at his father.

"Thank you, Father." Miyoung said mentally while reaching her future husband's hand.

"Y-You l-look so beautiful." Taeyeon stunned by her beauty making him tongue-tied in an instant.

"T-Thank you oppa." Miyoung said shyly before they both facing the Priest.

*skipping the wedding ceremony*

"Ah, this thing is so soft." Taeyeon felt the softness of the expensive of mattress on their now shared room as a couple. Feeling shy, he didn't initiates the needs of sex since they've been living in old days when woman was still as precious as glass that hard to get them as wife.

"T-Tae? Can you help me with my robe?" Miyoung asked shyly but deep inside she wanted to spend their night touching each other and probably started making the soon-to-be crown Prince.

"Sure thing!" Taeyeon immediately stood up and walked towards his wife who is busy combing her soft and silky hair while putting on her golden robe while everything engulfed in pregnant silence.

"D-Do you like kids in your time?" Miyoung asked as she felt her husband fixing the knot of her golden robe.

"If you would ask, I'm the best babysitter of our whole neighborhood you can ask my bestfriend Jessica for confirmation if you want." Taeyeon boastfully said like he was proud of something that made the Princess felt relief.

"Then can we make babies now?" Miyoung throw away her pride as a woman out of their window and jumped over her startled husband. She was devouring him like a hungry animals in the wild, Taeyeon left no choice but to respond on his wife's hormonal rages and just like that they spend the night having more than 10 rounds.

"T-Taeng?" Miyoung woke up first thing in the morning shaking her still snoring husband beside her wrapping his arms around her.

"Hmmm.." Taeyeon hums as response but still eyes closed.

"M-Make l-love to me please?"

"Huh? Like right now? I'm tired from last night, honey?" Taeyeon's eyes widen hearing his wife's another ridiculous request of having sex early in the morning.

"Y-You're now getting tired of me? After you took away my virginity last night? I'm also the one initiated the move first instead of you doing it!" Miyoung felt betrayed by her own husband rejecting her after giving her everything last night.

"Now that sounds more ridiculous, goodness?! I couldn't believe this is how marriage life is and I'm only a f*cking highschool student on our present time!!" Taeyeon sighed to himself while looking weirdly at his now sulking wife.

"Arasso! Arasso! C'mon will take it into the bathroom if ever someone barges inside our room!" Taeyeon trying to remain calm gently dragging his bothered wife.

"My husband is the best!"

"Now, I really wanted to go home for sure but unfortunately stuck here!" Taeyeon sighed heavily as he stripped off himself to satisfy his excited wife already jumps inside the warm wodden bathtub naked.

"Hurry!" Miyoung whine cutely when she saw how slow her husband was.


"We had no enough time left." Sunny looks at her hourglass that their time looking for Taeyeon was running out.

"We must hurry up, sunbaenim!" Yuri exclaimed as she fasten her pace towards the palace.

"It will be the end of Taeyeon and Jessica's life and I don't want to see another life taken away just because of greed." Sunny said before she decided to make a hole in the Palace wall to enter inside.

"Make sure we'll it to them." Yuri daid carefully while they're silently entering the Palace without everyone noticing their presence since they were using small magic.

"We don't need to explain ourselves further we just need to take Taeyeon and Jessica back into their real time regardless of their stupid reason we already heard enough of them before." Sunny stated her explanation before they located where Taeyeon staying at but before they could stepped another someone noticed them from behind.

"Who the hell are you?"

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