First Love Never Dies

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"See? I told you sunbae, two souls that meant for each other will be soon crossing path." Yuri exclaimed excitedly as they both watching Taeyeon and Miyoung's reincarnation from Goryeo era, Stephanie Hwang while Sunny showing her frown expression didn't like the slightest idea of them being together again because what happens 7 years ago was just a mere mistake and won't be needed to got involved in the present time, a major headache for both of them as the time keeper since Hyoyeon, the head minister, has no idea about their mistake before keeping them as secret until now.

"Head minister has no need to know about this so we have to stop them crossing the same path again." Sunny scoffed as she wears her black trench coat to proceed into a mission regarding Taeyeon's case since he's the one who started it.

"B-But sunbae, they look good together as a couple, why don't we let them and let time do its work this time around?!" Yuri protest but Sunny shook her to reminded her on how their job works on this world.

"Are you finally insane? Everything is ridiculous if they continue their f**king mistake again, Yul??" Sunny flick her forehead before she pushed the latter gently leaving her behind.

"Sunbae, I'm sorry but I won't let you ruin them again!" Yuri mutter softly as she watched her favorite couple preparing for school festival. After the umbrella moments together under the rain, the two slowly getting comfortable with each other as a friend without catching everyone's attention towards their budding relationship, they secretly meeting each other behind their friend's back.


"Should I put them here, Mr. Kim?" Sooyoung asked while he's in-charge of hanging decorations since his height actually fits for the job.

"Yeah, just like that Mr. Choi, you're being good at this, huh?" Taeyeon jokes around comfortably at his students who were busy with their assigned tasks. Meanwhile, Tiffany and Jessica were both in-charge in stage design and decorations since its their forte, they initiates small talks and girls stuffs.

"Do you already have a partner for the ball?" Jessica asked the shy Stephanie or Tiffany whom all known by her short nickname, she doesn't have to share something private on her teacher especially Taeyeon's bestfriend because he once mentioned Jessica when they spending time together outside the campus.

"I still haven't Ms. Jung. Do you already had one?" Tiffany asked back avoiding Jessica's curious stare at her before she get back into their draft design on their working table.

"I think I already had but I rather turn him down since its forbidden in school." Jessica said honestly making Tiffany realized that she didn't have to asked Taeyeon as her partner at the ball since its clearly prohibited in campus rules.

"Oh, I will asked my friend Sooyoung then since were neighbor." Tiffany said and a hint of jealousy shows from Jessica's sudden frown as she looks back at the busy latter on her work.

"You're close with Mr. Choi?" Jessica asked curiously receiving a slight nod from the latter whose avoiding her eyes.

"Do you happen to have a crush on him since he's quite popular on girls, you know?" Jessica asked awkwardly hoping that Tiffany doesn't belong to any of Sooyoung's fanclub.

"I don't have any feelings nor infatuation towards him, Ms. Jung I only sees him as my little brother, that's all you don't need to worry, Miss." Tiffany stated making Jessica gulped hard knowing that she's being caught red-handed by the revelation.

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