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"Good morning Professor Kim!" The students greeted when a 23 year old man entered the class.

"Good morning class!" Mr. Kim Taeyeon greeted back as he putting down all his books on the teacher's desk.

"So, open your books on page 109 and please read infront of---------"

"S-Sorry Mr. Kim, I'm late!" A girl wearing a pink sweater with her messy hair quickly interrupted the discussion makong everyone laughed.

"Oh, you again? Okay I let you pass again Miss?" Taeyeon furrow his brows trying to recall her name.

"Hwang Stephanie from block-3 history major." The girl named Stephanie proudly said before she was told to be seated anywhere.

"Okay now let's proceed."


"So you're telling me how you felt fascinated to one of your student?"

"Yeah, I love his smile and how he could easily cope up into everybody, he always made my day!" The blonde professor exclaimed happily recalling how her student stealing glance at her class.

"It's still the univeristy protocol, Sica!"

"A teacher-student was prohibited!" They both said in unison making Taeyeon laughed hard.

"I got it, okay?" Jessica roll her eyes at him before she put meat on her mouth.

"How's your literature class today?" Jessica change the topic.

"Same old but I noticed nowadays how could a same student always being late in my class, I totally forgot her name." Taeyeon recalls.

"Oh, I also had one then but he's a male and taller than you!" Jessica teases her bestfriend who is now glaring at her shoving a big piece of meat into her mouth.

"Oh, I remember now his name is Choi Sooyoung!"

"Hmmmm.... sounds familiar." Taeyeon putting his palm under his chin thinking of some certain days his meeting people but he couldn't recall abit and it made his headache.

"See? It's same with me, I thought I really seen his face somewhere else but couldn't remember." Jessica staring at her food stabbrd by her own fork.

"Can we have a friendly date tonight?" Taeyeon asked earn a simple nod from the blonde.

"Gotta go now! Bye!" Taeyeon waving goodbye into his bestfriend still eating her meal.

"Hello Miss Jung!" A tall-dark handsome boy greeted his professor taking her lunch.

"Oh, Mr. Choi Sooyoung." Jessica simply acknowledge his presence by gesturing him to take a seat across her.

"I want to ask about our assignment regarding to the corresponding questions, Miss?!" Sooyoung said while munching his chips.

"Can I take a look then?" Jessica asked.

"Sure." The boy happily obliged taking out his notes from his backpack.


"It's raining too bad I didn't bring my umbrella with me." SStephanie also known as Tiffany mutters sadly lowering her head waiting for the sudden rain to stop.

"You're not going home yet?"

"Oh, hello Professor. I forgot my umbrella and I have to wait here until the rain stop." Tiffany answered.

"You don't have a boyfriend to pick you up instead?" Taeyeon teases his student making the girl beside him blush.

"I don't have now and I'm willing to wait here instead of getting soak under the pouring rain." Tiffany shrugged.

"Then can I accompany you?" The professor asked permission until Tiffany nodded in response, they keep a comfortable silence between them until there's only few students left in the corridor.

"Oh, I think the rain will never stop until midnight." Taeyeon said in a worried tone as he keeps on looking at the dark sky above and the sound of roaring thunder and pouring rain.

"Oh no, my Dad will be waiting at me I also forgot my phone at home when I run into your class." Tiffany smacked her forehead because of her forgetfulness.

"You are really something." Taeyeon said in between his small laugh at her own cute antics.

"Seriously I've got to go home!" Tiffany make a step forward testong the rain before she kept her bag into her embrace preparing to get soak.

"Wait we can share my coat." Taeyeon offered and take off his coat covering Tiffany's head from the heavy rain.

"I can get home soaking wet, thank you for your offer, Mr. Kim!" Tiffany trying to reject her professor.

"No, I insist Ms. Stephanie." Taeyeon finally persuade his shy student who defeatedly nod in agreement.

"Shall we?" Tiffany take the offer and together they run under the rain with smile on their faces.

-to be continued

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