Never again

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" -key..... Mikey.... Mikey please wake up. Dude! WAKE UP"


My eyes felt like weights when they opened slowly opened, they stung a bit and water was coming out of them. No, it was coming in my eyes; must mean it's raining, the grey dark clouds above were drizzling down rain droplets without a breeze in the air to make it flow in different directions. It was still dark, no moon or twinkling stars up above, just the black abyss to cry out tears.

Besides the weather being sorrowful, I could still smell the smoke from earlier, how long was I out?

"Mikey, your ok"


Before my body can register anything, my body was pulled into a tight hug feeling the person dig their head in my neck from behind. The scent of vanilla and peaches was caught in my senses knowing exactly who it was. I turned around quickly to hug my special person back immediately feeling her arms wrap around me tighter, her small sobs and sniffles mixed in with the rain as they both landed on me but it doesn't matter I finally have my Angel Cakes back with me.

I could tell she wasn't in her animal form anymore, I pulled her away gently taking her hands in mine rubbing my thumb on her wet hands. I heard her sigh, that's when I looked up to be met with the most gorgeous orange orbs I ever met. I like falling in love with her all over again every time I see her, those eyes of hers were like a passage way to all her emotions: sorrow, madness, love, emptiness, hurt, relief, I can't even imagine what she might be thinking about right now.

" Mikey I'm- I'm so sorry, " She sobbed even more.


Angela POV

It was hard to see with the new visual I had; everything was crystal clear and close like a microscope. My eyes squinted in order to see Mikey staring at me with a shock expression on his green turtle face.

I'm surprised myself of my beastie body saved him earlier from the fallen burning building, all I remember is trying to go find Uncle M. No one spotted me the whole time I was sprinting on the dark streets, the explosion I heard caught me off guard, it happened when I was at the corner of a building across from it. I watched our own home burn out of no where with no other pedestrians to be outside seeing what was going on. It didn't matter, I knew Uncle was in there; I can smell him.

My own eyes watched the large tv that projected what the beast was seeing from it's own eyes. It was mostly smoke to cover the scene and red flames to spark out of nowhere in little corners. The smell of pizza and the sewer water wafted into the smokey air; Mikey.

I went into the building sensing the other two turtles but eventually they already came back out with the blind man being unconscious.

'At least their safe and they found Uncle'

But the orange clad I sensed earlier was no where to be seen with them. I called out to him only hopping he would understand my new call, I heard faint coughing that sounded like a storm. I walked closer to the sound feeling the dreadful fill up my heart, I need to move faster. I saw him in my visual about five feet away laying on the ground; his breathing was hoarse and I can feel he was in pain. The roof was falling to pieces around him, the tiger let our a cry to get his attention, it didn't look like it was working. A large wood piece that stood as one of the main support beams of the roof began to start wobbling flimsy on the edge of falling, right on top of Mikey who was out of it on the ground of what I could tell.

This beat body quickly maneuvered away from the flames, I could see that it was hovering over Mikey that was passed out by now.

'Hey! Lay one finger- or paw on him and your gonna be a new coat furball. Ya hear me!'

Orange eyes(COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now