Hi, Im Ember

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Angela POV

The weeks went by, particularly a month and everything seems to be coming back to normal, well as normal as this family can get.

Donnie still is a genious nerd, Raph still is a grumpy hot head grandpa, Leo is either fan-girling over his tv show or meditating, and my boyfriend Mikey is... being Mikey.

April and I are still on rocky grounds, but we're progressing to forgive and forget. Master Splinter helps me with controlling my tiger beast form and with the usual ninja lessons now that I permanently live here. Living down here was hard for my Uncle, but in order for him to not get caught up in possible trouble in the future I had to leave for his sake. I still go visit him everything Thursday and help fix the noodle shop back up.

Only bad part is...

Murakami only agreed to this deal if I still went to freaking-

" Ms. White, since you like day dreaming and not paying attention in my class again. How about you sit in the principals office. AGAIN!"


Mr.McKee continue to stare down at me with a red tomato face while pointing a finger to the closed door of his room. I sighed boredly, grabbing my belongings and scooting out then pushing in my chair that was placed on the left side in the middle of the room. Walking to the front of the room and said nothing as I walked out hearing him continue with his boring English lesson of boredom.

The walk to the main office wasn't far from my location, the hallways were really quiet without any students running and talking in the narrow area.  A few minutes in and I made it to my destination, opening up the door to see an old lady we like to call ' The assistant principal'.

" I'll be right with you Angela dear, just let me help out the transferred student first."

I nodded at her knowing it was gonna take the old lady a while to even write down the poor child's name, Mrs. Landerdug is slow as a sloth, blind as a bat, and had been in the school district for years now and still think this is 1983.

I sat down in one of the waiting chairs getting my phone out to text Mikster. Seconds passed and the one and only toothless, greasy headed, black haired, hockey puck goof ball walked out the principals room having the door slammed shut behind him.

I tsked at his presence before me, "Back at it again with the foolish act, Jones"

He pulled a birdie at me then sat down beside me with a whine, knowing that that concluded that he just got his second strike into almost being expelled for this semester. I was going to joke his sorry tail even more until a soft touch poked my shoulder.

It was the girl that Mrs.Landerdug was calling the new transfer student, the only reason why I knew was because I never seen this girl before and she had a sticker on her shirt that read 'New Student'. The new girl stood on my right with a couple of books in her hands already; she looked pretty nice, but looks can always be deceiving.

She had long black hair going down her back in a ponytail which did complement her bright blue eyes, almost seeming around my height as well just a bit taller. Her clothes were definitely a different stlye than what I would wear, but every person is different mostly in NYC; her all white half shirt hid her stomach well with a cute black skater skirt that had two individual wraps strap across her stomach and wore black vans to match with the whole thing. Her lips were a rose pink and can tell she was raised in Beverly Hills or some place fancy the way she held her purse in the pit of her elbow and twirled a lost strand of her hair.

I showed her a smile as I stood up to welcome her with a hand shake. She stopped twirling her strand and fixed up a smile on her own face and shook my hand.

" What's up, my names Angela, so what do you-"

My whole being got pushed to the side by pucket face himself trying to swoon the new girl already.

" The names Jones, Casey Jones" She only giggled at his idiocy.

I got with up with no help but nonetheless did push Casey back with a push of my fist... to his face.

I quickly linked our arms not surprised by her gasp and took hold of her schedule that the assistant principal finally printed out and left without another word with Cas still in there knocked out. Meanwhile during the walk to no where in particular in the hallway, I scanned her paper seeing as though we almost have every class together except for some far too educational classes that didn't go in my interest.

"So I didn't catch your name new girl. Unless you liked being called new girl" I joked breaking the ice to hear her laugh.

" Oh sorry, Hi!"

             I'm Ember, Ember O' Neil

It has been completed, after re-re-re editing it, I think it's better than before and now that I graduated I can do some more work into the story.

Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed, but not so fast

This is only the first book..... in the series😎😎😎😎😎

If you liked the first book please keep reading for the rest of the turtles individual adventures with new friends, family and foe.

The next book is called Lady in Blue, I bet you can guess for which turtle Xp

I do hope you enjoy every page from it and continue to be a turtle lover
Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚


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