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" A-Ang." Mikey's voice was in a shaky tone when I heard it.

My vision started forming colors and shapes again even if my body felt stiff. I looked around slowly finding that we  were still in the dojo.  A growl more than a groan was what I heard that past my lips. I moved my eyes around since my body doesn't feel like moving anymore, everyone was surrounding me at a far distance beside the walls and Splinter had his pointer finger on my forehead. It felt soothing in a type of way, the soothing waves were vanished when I was abruptly grabbed into backwards embrace knowing nobody but my turtle to do this action.

"I'm ok Mikster" I reassured the hugger

"How do you feel child?" I heard Sensei ask above me in his usual fortune cookie dojo master tone

" I'm aright Sensei, just dizzy but I'll be ok" I smiled back at him

I stood up not remembering when I had sat down. The feeling of eyes were on me and I looked back around the room seeing all the turtles faces different colored orbs were on me. Not in a predatory way, more in a in shock and fearful look. The looks they made was very strange to me and I looked toward Master Splinter to get answers only seeing his eyes adjusted a little wider but still had his calm aura.

I placed my hand on my temple feeling it pulse, that's when I saw why everyone was looking at me.

My hands were orange with black stripes. They weren't even hands they were paws with long claws extending out of them.

I jumped up shocking everyone not that I could care at this very moment. I looked at the five in front of me now and no one said anything. Why isn't anyone explaining anything to me yet?

" Angela, I know this is sudden but you must calm down" Sensei tried to pursuade me. I know he's trying to help but it's not working

" How? I have paws as hands Sensei! That's cool but-but not cool right now. Ughh why Is this happening-"


I faced the other side of the room where I saw a glimpse of her. She was squeezing herself in to the wall like it would help. Her blue eyes shown fear, and I could smell the sweat dripping off her forehead and... and....

And I like it.

I jabbed my finger- paw her way" You, you did this to me!" I spat out.

She looked dumbfounded and that only angered me more. I knew she couldn't understand a single thing I'm saying and it irritates my living soul.

" If I never would've met you this wouldn't have happened to me, I wish you would just die!"

My emotions were more than I can control right now getting the best of me. My words kept going to deaths ear and my paws clenched up feeling the tips of my nails pinch my skin to the point where I could feel it pierce my skin open.

Before I knew it, instead of looking up I was equal length for her to see and understand the rage in my eyes was no laughing matter.  Again, my body was burning on the outside maybe it's because of my anger. It didn't matter though; she was gonna get what she deserves.

She needs to die...

" Angela Stop!"

That was Mikey's voice

                         ... what happened?

" My eye!"


My lungs felt like someone had stabbed them with a stick to let them roast over a fire and the lights dimmed it's steam fogging up my vision again. The room spinned one time then again and floor felt uneven. The red blotches stained my eyes making it hard to see with the steam making it no better. My legs had a mind of its own, it didn't care of my thoughts nor feelings from the top part of my body. Though the thought of running away was a coward move but that's all that felt like a wise decision.

Just like that, I ran and didn't turn back. I felt my body push someone out the way hearing the hard thud and grunt of the person but I couldn't look back. Exiting the lair, I smelt the sewage rotten smell cling in my nose, I can't stay down here they'll find me.


Running fast as I could down the sewer with barely any energy left in me for some reason, my body was still continuously burning with heat trapped inside my chest. My senses told me no one was around. It felt so unnatural not taking over my own body, now I know how robots feel.

It hurts, my lungs were barely taking any air or just too much to handle, my head felt like they were getting banged on by a hammer, my feet- paws, I don't know what to call them anymore. Everything was going wrong so quickly. Why did I let this raging beast control me to this point, am I that weak?

My hearing heard every slightest splash of movement in the water alerting this beast that I'm trapped in that it was time to leave and knew it was them coming. They found me this quickly, how?

My body stood back up straighter and started to run again on all of its four legs. The scent of humans, alcohol, and hotdogs were wayfaring into my nostrils signaling me that I found a tunnel to the outside world.

The air was cool on my hair; fur. All I could do was run, not like I had a choice. If I did I would be going back right now apologizing to everyone even though they would probably just look at me like a freak like everybody else does. Feeling along my surroundings, I found myself in another alley with no one in sight fortunately.

I need water, this heat is unbearable to cling unto any longer. Smelling around, my new form found its way to a puddle drinking the murky water, but again, I had no say so in what I could do anymore, it felt like being pushed to the backseat after being in the drivers.

The coolness of the liquid somehow squirted into my eyes. I blinked to see the redness blur finally out of my vision, to see the first thing that showed my reflection right back at me.

All I could see is a hideous creature that shouldn't be here, that should be in the zoo or jungle. The same orange eyes but that's the only thing left that I have, and that almost cost me my life. Dried blood splatted on the left side of my eye, the rage and animal side was shown on the outside of me.

I never wanted this in my life; yeah it was cool meeting the turtles, but I loved my life as a waitress and cook with my uncle.

'Uncle Murakami ... Oh no. I gotta see if he's ok'

Being done drinking the filthy water my four legged self ran towards the small shop I call home.

Be safe Uncle

Hola my ninjas, thank you for selecting one of my books to read 😁.
I do hope you enjoy every page from it and continue to be a turtle lover
Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚

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