I said Yes!!!

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Angela POV

"Bye Uncle gonna go hang with the guys for awhile I'll be home late, love you bye" I shouted out as I was one foot out the shop's door.

"Bye Angela-san be safe"

"I will" I told my Uncle reassuringly once I exited the noodle shop finishing my time for the night. It was easy to find the closest manhole to the sewers since one was right beside the building. Mikey walked with me to my home long enough to remember where to go.

For some reason I felt like somebody was watching me from high above....... Oh my glob, Jesus?

Shrugging it off for the time being; forgetting the strange feeling for now getting my attention back to the manhole and once I got to the hole I looked around before jumping in successfully and placing the heavy thing back on which was a bit difficult.

It's been a minute; specially a good week, since I seen the turtles. The shop was getting a lot more customers than usual around this time for unknown reasons. I would have to stay longer which I never mind and after work I would be too tired to hang with my friends and just fall asleep quicker than usual.

The other day's event with specifically Mikey would come and go swarming in my mind again unintentionally. How he first said that I looked pretty then said he didn't mean it. It shouldn't have felt like a knife through my chest since I receive that similar type of insults all the time at school.

With Mikey, it feels different somehow.

I'm always feeling warm from his gentle hugs and encouraging smile. The wanted feeling with his constant love of hurting himself and asking only me to fix him up with his specific favorite color of a band aid to heal the bruise and being so much playful than I previously had. He's the uplift to my day, so that tiny little comment.....

'Why is it effecting me so much to no end?'

The smell of the sewers didn't bother me at all since I know that the boys locker room smells way worse. I saw the dim lighting of the lair and started running towards it feeling a bit too happy in the pit of my stomach. Now pushing the worrisome some thoughts behind me, I plastered on my smile and getting on with the day.

"HELLO!!!" Yelling through the place not being greeted my anyone at the beginning only shrugging it off. Walking over to the couch to plop down getting very comfy.

Until, someone thought it would be a funny great idea to be suffocated into a hold around my neck taking my action on reflex. On bad habiting, I pushed hard in their stomach with my elbow and they let go immediately.

Turning in the couch and lifting myself up with my arms in the armrest only to see a hurt Mikey crouched down on the floor holding his stomach in pain.

"Oh my gosh, Mikey I'm so sowwy " I apologized using my baby voice to ease the situation. Getting on the ground myself to help him get on the couch watching him groan as he stretched out more onto the lumpy couch.

"It's OK- wait what did you say?"

"I said I'm sowwy" I said again innocently hoping he would buy it by blinking my eyeleashes rapidly and watched as he snickered a bit before looking back at me and said "hehe your sorrys are cute"

Not expecting that, I automatically felt my cheeks rise up and felt them rise 50° higher. Reminding me about what happened the last time I was with the turtle and about what Mikey said on accident, for a second I thought he wasn't kidding but after he tried to confirm his answer it was just a lie so might as well not put all my hope on that scene.....again.

I was bout to say something about it till Leo and Raph came down discussing something. They stopped their conversation once they saw at is; strangely at first then for some reason started smirking.

Feeling a bad vibe from them, I did the challenge and asked "What"

Raph piped up first and asked us why were we all red in the face and that just made my blush worsen.

"E-everyt-things cool d-dude" Mikey replied shakily for a strange reason that I didn't know of yet

"Then why are yall still hugging" He asked again, making me now realize that we were actually hugging which was weird because I don't even remember even bringing my arms around him.

I looked back at my turtle friend and saw his cheeks were very very red.

The blue clad turtle only shook his head and reminded Mikey that they were gonna be leaving in an hour.

"Wait" I yelled getting the leaders attention again, I jumped off the ground and sped towards the tall turtle giving him a stern look.

"Why can't I go" I asked looking him in the eyes

Leo started to scratch his neck from his nerves "Because your not really classified"

"Yes I am, you even saw my moves and told my Uncle I was good too. AND mind you I kicked you and your brothers shells in the dojo"

"That's because-"

"Imma just ask Splinter" I caught him off as I gave him a cheeky closed eye smile while he just stared back at me with a grin and crossed his arms.

"He won't let you just like that " Crossing his arms

"Oh really" I reassured him crossing my arms also

"Yeah-" That's when Master Splinter came out the dojo with a tea pot in his hands- well paws

"Master Splinter can I go on patrol with the turtles? Pretty please" I followed him into the kitchen and watched him place the glass inside the sink and went to the freezer for something

"I have no problem with it" He spoke wisely going back into his room with a cheese cicle in hand now.

I looked back at Leo with a smirk while he looked back at me with shock.

I grinned widely and stuck my tongue out "I'll go get ready then"

Hola my ninjas, thank you for selecting one of my books to read 😁.
I do hope you enjoy every page from it and continue to be a turtle lover
Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚


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