There For You

197 16 1

Mikey POV

I woke up to the sound of sniffles and movement being heard below me. The room was still dark, but was able to see from my pizza shaped lamp I forgot to turn off. It was Angela, she was having a nightmare again.

She stirred and mumbled things in her sleep and I gently shook her arm, only getting her to turn facing me now.

"Angel cakes wake up!" I yelled in her ear seeing her spring up on the bed, her chest was rise and dropping heavily, she was shaking like a leaf.

" Hey Angel Cakes, it's me Mikster. Your home now, it's ok" I soothed her, watching her eyes scan the room with horror written all over her.

Since it didn't seem like she would open up till I asked the certain question; "Nightmares babe?"

Her head only nodded; her long hair had curtained her face at this point with her arms securely wrapped around her bent knees she brought up to her chest. The orange eyed girl sighed and curled back up next to me like a kitten would staring at my shell with a blank expression.

"This time Shredder had my parents... and-and he was torturing them in front of me. Every time I wanted to look away something behind me would make me stare back at them screaming and yelling at me saying I-....."

This wasn't the first time for her to scream or wake up shaking in fear from what she imagined; this was only her fifth time this week and it worried me to no end to not know how to stop this and comfort her when she needs it.

" Mikster, I can't sleep anymore" Her small voice was shaking

" Hmmm, let's go make some food then, I know it'll help lift up your spirit " I smiled down at her as she looked up at me and soon nodded with a smile of her own.

I helped her out of the bed being extra careful to not touch where the scar was on her shoulder blade.The hallway seemed empty, so I guess we were the first one's up. Walking down stairs into the living room that we crossed by to get to the kitchen.

Angela shuffled over to the fidge and grabbed all the cold items we needed while I got the dry items. Together we prepared breakfast, consisting of: waffles, eggs, bacon, fruit, and oatmeal. So far, Angela was looking a bit better when she was in her element; cooking.

About thirty minutes later, everyone started filing in one by one, even April and Casey came by since it's a Saturday.

I still can't believe what April did to Angela, it's not like April to go that far and below to give up a wonderful friend that didn't deserve it. Not knowing what would happen, my brothers and I kept the information hidden from the brown haired angel. I felt a small hand on my shell bringing me back to see a adorable smile on my girls face; my heart almost pound out of my shell.

"Morning bestie!" Angela said hugging April, my surprise was that April hugged her back. The table was quiet and the atmosphere was awkward as we ate, until Angela spoke up.

"Why is everybody so quiet this morning?" she whispered to me, I just let out a chuckle that I don't think helped the situation.

"Maybe because it's the dark aura I feel around here; will everyone please meet me in the dojo at once" Master Splinter recalled coming out of nowhere grabbing a cup of herbal tea and a cheese-cickle from ICK.


"I want all of my children to spare one on one till the last two standing. Starting with Michelangelo and Donnatello"

Everyone bowed and the rest sat on the side lines with the hockey player watching as Don and I rotated around eachother beginning to take out our weapons.

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