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    Angela POV

5 more minutes till school ends. I groaned inwards and leaned back in my chair on the back two legs. Looking to my left I saw Casey flirting or TRYING to flirt with April that day in front of him that was across from me. I flicked a paper clip at his head getting their attention from themselves.

"Why?!" Casey whispered-yelled at me; since our desk were beside each other. April and I just snickered at him and before I could speak the school bell rung signalling that it was the end of the day and another weekend break.

I slung my red bookbag over my shoulder and stepped out the school with Casey and April by my side.

"Well red, ya coming with me today? " Casey asked

"For what?" Butting in and looked at him in confusion looking in between him and our red headed friend. 

April started making a lame excuse about needing to go with Casey. Like really? I know that girl like the back of my hand.

"Oh otay, just remember sleepover tonight; no excuses" I warned April playfully. I left and went separate ways from my two best friends and rode to the shop on my board.


"OK Uncle I'm gone to April's for the sleepover, you sure you'll be OK?"

"Go head and have fun child I'll be fine, be safe. And no boys" Snickering I kissed his cheek and gave him a bear hug. I soon left with my tote bag with my night clothes and etc.

Riding my board down the street and taking a left viewing April's apartment in front of me. I jumped off my board and tucked it under my arm walking into the alley instead of the front steps, who uses doors anymore anyways? If you do, your boring and normal.

Climbing up the fire escape to her window wasn't hard, I opened the window seal since she always leaves it open for me.

"HEY APRIL! THE CRAZY CHICK IS FINALLY HERE!" I yelled through her yellow based room and a second later she came in the room already wearing her yellow pajama pants and a black t-shirt with pock-a-dot slippers.

I went to my bag and changed into my black tank top and orange basket ball shorts with my knee high socks on throwing my hair in a messy bun getting ready for the sleepless night.

"Ready to party red?"

"Only Casey calls me that" she said

"Do y'all like each other or something?" asking nonchalantly laying on her bed with my hands behind my head.

"W-what no, no way eww!" She exaggerated

"You know your a very terrible liar " I pointed out to her

April threw a pillow close to her at me. We laughed and played a bit and ordered pizza, paint our nails; OK so I painted her nails and I was chained to a chair to get mine done.  We talked on and on about anything that came up before I heard her phone go off with a picture on the caller ID but I couldn't see it quite well.

"Who's that?" I asked suspiciously grinning

"Oh umm n-nobody.... just a friend" April explained terribly.

Before she could say anything else I launched myself to her phone and pushed the call button putting it on speaker.

"ANGELA GIVE IT BACK!" April protested for it tackling me down but I kept the phone in my grip.

"April what's going on? " Someone said on the other end, sound like a familiar dude's voice


"Who are- " I ended the call before he could finish speaking and looked at a fused up April glaring at me, but I shrugged it off and heard the door ring signaling my chance to escape.

"I GOT IT!" I yelled


".....UH NAH" I yelled back running out the room and slid down the stair case to open the door to see the pizza guy with our three box order.

I payed him and walked back upstairs to April's room, but stopped at the doorway hearing other peoples voices in the room with her sounding really familiar but can't put my tongue on it.

Who is it?

Hola my ninjas, thank you for selecting one of my books to read 😁.
I do hope you enjoy every page from it and continue to be a turtle lover
Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚


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