Save me

232 15 2

Angela POV

The stroke of pain brought me back to the living instead of back in my dreams once again. I felt the strong bound around my wrist and legs that rubbed harshly against my skin and letting my muscles go numb. My eyes scanned the surrounding area again to still be flooded with darkness besides the small light to shine above me giving me barley any light at all to see past my lap in my sitting position in this wooden chair that hurt my butt. My left leg felt tingly and numb from most likely the dart that came out of no where from Karai.

"I see that your finally awake", a rough, deep voice came from behind me and the hairs on my neck went straight and curled in a chill way.

" Where am I? Who are you? Wheres April? Where is my pizza? Can we get Domino's pizza? Why am I held in a chair? Can I get some water? Can we watch Scooby Doo? Are you a villain? Why are you wearing aluminum foil all over you? Why are you called the Shredder? Where is my cheesy pizza dude? Why a-"

"Shut Up!" The Shredder yelled now facing me from used to being three feet away and heard him mumble some things most likely cursing a storm.

This is what I do when I'm nervous or just like to annoy the hell out of people; it works like a charm. I never seen the Shredder the guys always tell me about in person before and sadly I wish I still didn't. I couldn't see a single patch of skin on him being surrounded by that suit of armor like his daughter.

'Well the apple doesn't fell far from the tree I see'

The only thing that is keeping me from calling him a robot is his eyes. One was clouded indicating he was most likely blind, the other held nothing but disspair and anger in a pitch of coal black.

" I do not have time for your stupid questions; now tell me where the turtles and rat is?" He said stubbornly reminding me of Raph.

"Why should I tell a tin face like you" I spat; a hand struck me hard across my cheek, I let out a small shriek unattended.

He began to yell once again; "You will tell me if you want me to spare your life!"

Having my strength risen in me, my voice boomed back a rebellious shout trying to not let my fear take control. I would never let him take anything precious to me, mostly my family. If I could see his actual face I would be able to see a tick mark or a vain popping now. Impact of a fist of pain brought me back to the real problem, making me double other aching going through my stomach. Another punch landed harshly on my rib cage tilting me and the chair back to hit my head and back on the hard floor.

No matter how many punches I will have to go through, I won't let this monster lay a finger on my family.  Even if all I can see are black blurs clouding my vision, I won't let up.

I felt the ropes loosen up and used the advantage to quickly squirm out grunting in pain; ignoring it for now to run the other way hoping for a door in this dark abyss. The room was so dark I didn't see him morph in front of me.

My hair was yanked back sending me flying backwards on my already bruised back. All I could tell myself was that the turtles were coming for me and that I won't talk, I can't loose hope.

I didn't even notice Shredder was right in front of me, I need to stay focus. Knowing there was a smirk on his face; his blades on his fist made me squirm away from him and back flip backwards leaving a gap between us getting in my fighting stance.

'If I have to wait, I will. For now I have to keep fighting'

His moves were quick and harsh. I stayed on defense, without my weapon I'm already at a wrong start. My clothes were getting holes and torn from the few scratches I had to receive, but no blood or flesh fortunately.

I slipped past a blind spot he had by his left leg and went for a kick. He caught my limb before I could even feel his iron glove grasping it to the point where I can feel it slowly breaking. The metallic taste on my tongue made me gage on my own blood. My mind was spinning, he kept me held upside down gagging on the blood even more. I held my side that he slashed at to only have his free fist to punch it as he chuckled at my fatal attempt to protect my organs.

My scream wasn't even enough to identify the severe pain in my muscles. My hands struggled to release his from my leg and stomach area.

" It's funny how they try to run away before they die"

"W-Wait ...before wh-" Another scream roared out my breathing pipe being thrown to the floor like a dirty old rag doll now aching more muscles than necessary.

Blades punctured my thigh letting the large gash pour out my limited blood supply. He didn't care to yank them out, it's at least numb from the rest of the pain in my body.

It hurts; the bruises, the cuts, everything. I don't know if i can- I'm not as strong as Sensei, or the turtles, not even my best friend; April.

" Seems like the Krang is ready for you now....It's time for your experimentation, pesent" He growled in a animalistic way


How can I defeat a giant ninja in armor? I can barely defeat my math homework every night.

I can barely keep my eyes open, there so heavy and its freezing cold.

'Maybe I should go to sleep to let it be over quickly, but I don't want to. I want to go play with Mikey more, train with my new turtle brothers'

I want to live....

The tingling buzzed harder on my slash taking the last air out of me. I could barely move my eyelids to see where we were, a blurry orange figure came closer to me being a better view.


A wet sensation came drooling on my cheek leeking down unto my chin then to my hand that was keeping me up off the ground. I couldn't see it clearly but I could hear the low growl that came from the figure simultaneously having chains being rattled loudly every time. Figuring it out that it had to be an animal figure from the growl and giant tongue, the action of the affection of whatever animal gave me felt almost soothing, even at this gruesome moment of my life; it was telling me it's gonna be ok.  Then sounds of machines were going off around my ears; all the sounds were coming together in a jungle of a mess.

My eyes were closed the majority of the time; opening and closing every other minute only leaving a slit to view to see what's going on. My head was too heavy to hold up, looking down at my blurry vision of hands that were covered in blotches of green goop. It feels tingly.

'Its pathetic, how I couldn't even help my new family, for already loosing first. It's all my fault, always is and always will be'

Maybe I deserve this, for being a



Orange eyed freak

But even so.....

Mikey, anybody .... please save me

Hola my ninjas, thank you for selecting one of my books to read 😁.
I do hope you enjoy every page from it and continue to be a turtle lover
Ok! So Thank You for everyone that decided to take the time to read this book. Also I wanted to give a special thanks to the amazing turtle lovers that volunteered to be the characters for my books.

Snicker143 as Angela💚


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