Chapter 1

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"OK ... So yeah now I am going to do it ... Finally ?? " I said it with a confused expression.

"Are you serious ?? " jenny replied having a sad face and a confused expression

"Yes jenny I have to do it .. " I replied smiling

"OK then its your wish . but you don't have to do it you know it  , right ?? " jenny said still having the sad face .

"No jenny I have to .. You know I will always be there for all of you don't worry " I replied have a sympathetic expression 

" .. Umm.. But  If you ever change up your mind remember that I am always there for you " Jenny said smiling .

We all hugged (ughhh..  We means our squad .. Jenny ; Robin ; alba ; Andrea and Alexander ) ...

We broke out and went away .. I knew everyone was having tears in their eyes and even me too but there is nothing that can be done now ... I kept on crying till I reached home . while standing out I wiped my tears so my parents don't get to know that I was crying .. I did it .. and went in normally like I always do. I knew it was not normal for me but I have to  .

"Hey sweetheart .. " my mom said as always with that loving expression but that meant a lot to me I tried to control my emotions right now .

" hey mom ... Whats up for dinner ?? " I replied to my mom in my most loving way

" I have made the dinner as you said ...your  favourite " my mom said looking at me as if I forgot ... But right now she was my favorite .

" yeah mom .. Sorry I forgot "... I said it still trying to control my emotions and went to the diner table .
Everyone was ready for dinner I was pretty late because the dinner had already been set up .

" where were you .. Huh ??.." My young  brother - Ryan said ..  I always know he is annoying an did don't reply him but today I did ..
"I was with my friends " I replied to him while he was looking at me in a shock that I actually answered him .

" are you alright ??" .. Ryan said confusingly

" yeah .. But why  ?? Oh because I answered you ..  Its because I am in a good mood today " I replied to him normally looking at him .

"What happened that you are in such a good mood today ?? *laughing * did you asked out someone ?? " he asked laughing .

* laughing * .. " no Ryan its just Like that " .while I could go on further my dad cut me off

" no talking at the dinner table .. After eating " .. We sat quietly .

After dinner we went upstairs to our rooms .. I changed up into my night dress and slept until I woke up at 1 am .. I knew everyone was asleep at this time so I just got ready .. Took my bag and left a letter on my table so my mom can find it easily ... It said -

" dear mom dad and Ryan

I love you guys .. I have spent my most amazing moments with you which I won't forget ... But now its my time I want to live my dream.

Guys there were times when you all supported me and I love it .. They will forever be in my hearts . 
I know guys what I am going to do .

Dad said dreams might not always come true but I want to see If my dream would come true or not and if my dream did come true I will always remember you and if it didn't then also I will remember you .

I know it would be hard for you guys but It is going ri be hard for me too .

All I can say right now is that I will miss you guys . I cant  that  promise that I would come back but it might be possible that I would  but right now I am going to live my dream .

I will miss you all . love you all !!

                                    Yours Alison 
                                       (Alice ) . "

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