chapter - 17

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It's been days since my tour ended..

Yeah It ended a week ago and I'm in a city near london (idk which one tho )  .I really didn't knew what to do when I texted james I'll  not be there for 2to 3 months and told him that I'll go to L.A.  though I am near london  !! Yeah I'm a good liar !! I know well it sucks  , that fight ended me here where I never thought of . I don't know if he told the band about that .. I have been getting calls from brad and even voice messages but I just don't want to pick up the phone , I don't want him to know where am I but in fact I heard a few of his voicemail most of them said sorry and please come back I miss you and when is your fucking tour ending !!! I know... I didn't even reply to a single one but yesterday he send me a voice mail again and it left me with tears !!!

" Hey I understand you're on a tour and you don't wanna come back because all you want it to live your dreams and I'm  happy with that !! That's good you're happy but Alice even for once did you realise that you haven't told me anything about where you are and when are you going to come back !! And even then I'm fine but Alice why are you breaking my heart into billions of pieces . I never thought that it would hurt you this much !! I have said sorry  like a millions of times and I'm still saying it !! You have broke my tiny heart which is to sensitive to bare this pain ! Look I've been through a lot of heart breaks that people  doesn't even know about and I don't want you too to break my heart even you know you are breaking it  ! Alice I'm not asking you to come back  but just reply me I wanna hear your voice!! I know probably you're not gonna reply me but please of you listen try to find confidence in you to reply even if you're angry.. goodbye "

His voice was so broken somewhat . I  knew he was crying deep inside , i knew he was broken but I didn't wanted to face him yet , maybe yes I'm not confident enough to answer him. I saved that when Alba came and sat next to me .

Yes alba and me are living together .I talked to her and shes going to her university next week in London but she's going to stay with me . She have  asked me a billion of times to go back to london cause it would be difficult for her to move in so quickly but I just ignore her .

"Listening to his voice mail again alice " she said

"Yeah what else can I do other than just listening to him "I replied as she put her hands on me and pulled me into a hug . I have been crying on her shoulder since we got together

"Okay so we're going out today , to make up your day , okay ??" She asked me

"Yeah that's good "with that we got up and got ready to go out but before hanging out she needs to go to the studio she's  got to meet someone who have something really important related her university but at studio !!never mind I got ready and waited for her in the living room ! As soon as she came out we left.

We went to the studio and I just waited outside the room, waiting for her to come out but something really unexpected thing happened .

I saw brad with his other band mates .... "Urrrghhhh this isn't happening at least not right now and why are they even here . What's that to do with it ?? Tell me why are they here ?? What should I do !! Urgghhh someone help me " I thought to myself . I ran  out of the building and stood there and texted alba I'm out but I couldn't runaway from this problem .

"Alice ??? " Brad asked .

"Urmm.. hi Brad " I replied .

"What you're doing here ,I  thought you were in L.A. ?? " He asked coming closer to me

"Um. Yeah I ..Um.. just came yesterday .. from urmm.. L.A."I answered

"Tell the truth alice " he asked 

"That's the truth " I answered instantly

"I know when you're lying your nose turns red when you're lying " he said and looked down and yeah it's the truth when I'm lying my nose turns red

"Ok fine .. first let's go to my place then I'll tell you everything " I answered and turned around and he started following me .
I texted alba that  I'm going home and he also started texting maybe to his band the same .

I know I'm late at posting it this chapter was ready but just needed to publish it and I didn't even had time due to festive season.

Anyway thank you guys for amazing reads!! 💝💝

Ig- i_m_vampette

Next chapter soon

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