School again

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Jordan's point of view

It's Monday already? Jeez I remember when I got High and drunk Saturday. One of the best days of my life. Hanging with Leo the next day, made me feel something... I don't know why I feel tingly butterflies in my gut when I'm around him all of a sudden? I don't think it's because I like him is it? I mean when I kissed him, it felt right. But he's not my type, I'm not gonna chance that he is either.

Anyways I woke up at 6am because  I have zero hour and school starts at 7:15 I'm gonna meet up with Leo so we can smoke a few before we roll in.

"Sup bro." I gave him a handshake.

"What's up J?" Leo had a cig in his mouth and he was hot. Lol. 💖

We had our backs against the back of the school smokin, havin a good time, enjoying the peace before all the idiots get there.

"How was your weekend?" Leo asked putting out his lucky strike.

"It was good..." I smiled and looked away.

"...and... was it just good?" He asked.

"I mean, I caught up on a lot of Z's, and got to hang out with my cousin."

"... the dark haired one? The one with the tattoos all over, the buff guy?" Leo asked. I don't think he likes my cousin Zak.

"Yeah. Zak." I said. No expression.

"Oh. I think he's a douche." Leo lit his next strike. It's so hot how he smokes the way he does lol.

"How so?" I turned my face towards him.

"I mean." Leo took another puff " he kinda acts like he's better than most people, just because he's got a fuckin tv show that talks about dumb shit, don't mean that he's gotta be a fuckin dill  hole all the time. " he laughs and takes another puff.

I give him a cold stare. "Leo. Zak is not a douche. Trust me he is so sweet. He'd do anything for anybody. Why would you say something like that?" I crosse my arms.

"Cause he's your fucking cousin and you're standing up for him like you got a fuckin thing for him. What. Y'all secretly dating? That's hot. "  dam this kid just roasted me and I'm a little pissed  about it.

" no Leo you idiot. He's my cousin for fuck sakes! Why are you being a jackhole! Actually you know what!? I'm done with you for today see ya. " i threw my cigarette butt at him. Got all mad cause I hung out with my cousin.

What the fuck ever.

"Jordan come back I'm sorry. " he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him. "I'm sorry." Leo repeated.

I stared at his blue eyes that change into different shades of blue. This blue was a deep sea blue, his eyes were super dialated and they were amazing.

"Don't talk like that to me again DiCraprio. " I pushed him away.

"I won't I promise babe. " he softly spoke. Then we walked to our class.

We had our first class together which is basketball. I'm in girls basketball and he's in boys. We always practiced together and we enjoyed it. Then my coach had a talk with me.

"You will be playing on the boys varsity basketball team. Since you are a great player, we need more good players on the team so we can win since the team is going to state. I'm counting on you and Leo for us to win. "

Oh my gosh I just got the best opportunity to play with the boys. Always wanted to be on their team.

"I got you coach." I gave her a wink.

"LEO!! Guess what?!" I ran up to him and almost knocked him down. 😂

"Hey J what's cooking? " he grabbed my hands and twirled me around.

" oh my gosh I'm gonna be on your team. To play in the state finals." I mean I was estatic. But to be with Leo? Oh my gosh that's weird.

"Thad totally awesome! You and I make a great pair. Wanna celebrate?" He asked.

"Sure I'll see if I can sneak out tonight." I winked.

"Deal." He said and gave me a handshake. "I'll stop by at like 8. "


After seminar, Leo and I decided to get the fuck out of the prison and go to my place. I see a gray doge challenger parked in the front of my house.
It's Zak.

I walk in and there he is sitting on the couch with Gracie. She sprints towards me. I've missed her so much.

"Hi grace! I've missed you." I gave her a kiss.

"You're home early J. What's up with that?" Zak asked.

"Got boring. Just like you." I winked at him.

"You gotta quit skipping school with Leo. He's a bad influence. He got you drunk. Why would you hang around him?" Another lecture. Cool Zak. You are supposed to be the cool cousin.

"Zak I don't need another fuckin lecture from you. I just like to hang around him and for your information. I'm on the boys varsity basketball team now because we need more good players to play state." I got happy again.

"Holy shit Jordan that's awesome! How?!" Zak got all happy. Swear he's bipolar sometimes. Lol.

"It just happened so I'm gonna have to hang with Leo more because he's on the team too. If you didn't know." Ha I crossed my arms and went to get myself a sweet tea.

" yeah well y'all are gonna win anyways." Zak said.

Leo and I are winners. And we're gonna party like some tonight too.

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