back to school

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Jordan's point of view

Well, Zak offered to take me to school but i said no. I wanted to walk. Leo hasn't beem around for a few days which really started to worry me. My thoughts told me to cool it because if Leo wants to be dumb and get dope then so be it. I'm tired of getting intouble with my cousin all because of my friends actions.

I realized that I had put Zak through so much hell and I wanted to end it once, and for all.

While I was walking in peace, I noticed the tree limbs waving and the spring leaves fallin, birds chirpin their tunes. It made me smile and brought me back to the times where I felt the most joyful.

About 5 minutes of peace and quiet and I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I turn around and I see my other friend Red.

"Oh hey."  I greeted him.

"Whats up? Seen DiCaprio?" His elbow bumped my arm.

"Nah he will come back when he's ready. I'm not worried." I crossed my arms, i was too busy being caught up in nature to care about anything.

"Thought he was your boyfriend." He laughed.

" No and never." I rolled my eyes.

"Ahhh someday." He put his arm over my back and hugged me.

My friends are crazy. I thought. I love them like they're my family..  

"Shut up Red." I laughed.

We walked up to the front of the school. I took a deep breath. Why was I still worrying about Leo? Is he alright?

He will be fine.

I will be fine.

"You okay J bird?" Red asked looking at my expressionless face.

"I'm fine. Thank you. " I started walkin up the stairs and Red patted me on the back. We had math together which was nice cause I needed a friend.

I was sitting looking out the window. Wondering about what it would be like if I ran away. You know what they say though. You run away, you're running away from your problems.

I was tapping my desk and kept tapping and tapping.

"Jordan! It's okay! Stop being so jittery." Red rubbed my back.

I was starting to shake. Then I got up and walked out the door. Ms. Lockeby asked what was wrong I told her I just needed to chill, she said alright.

Red followed me.

"Aye.. what was that?" He asked. Kneeling down to be where I was.

"I don't know I think I had a little anxiety attack. I'm sorry, haven't been myself since Leo had gone away. I just wanna know if he's okay."
I quit shaking when Red held me.

We can go look for him when we get out of school.  He patted me took my hand and we finished school for the day.

We met up with Mickey and Neutron. I guess they knew where Leo was.

"He was hangin here at this alley last night gettin a bag." Mickey pointed to the dead street. "I was with him last night then he left."

I gulped. Red held my hand tightly. I jogged to the area. There was no remains of his presence or any of his belongings.

Then. I heard the door open of the old apartment building. It was Leo.

For some reason I decided to just jump into his arms and give him a hug, even though he smelt so bad of drugs and smoke.

"You need a bath." I patted his back.

"I know. I'm sorry for worrying you." Leo hugged me.

"Come back to school." I looked at him.

"I got kicked out. That's why I didn't show up today." He sniffled.

" You didn't tell no-one?" I asked.

"Only Mickey and Neutron knew. Cause Mickey got expelled to for drugs in the locker room."  Leo had his head down.

My gosh. I thought.

"Maybe that's a sign to quit the dope. " i said with my arms crossed.

"I can't do that Jord. I need these. They keep me alive, I'm dead inside." Leo softly spoke.

"Let me help you. Don't shut me out of things. I got you." I hugged him again. Then everyone hugged him.

"I have to go." Leo said uninterested to me. He took my hands held them tight for a few seconds,then left.

My heart broke a little as I watched him walk away.

"I'm so sorry J" Red looked sad and clueless.
I hugged him, i wanted to cry but not in front of him.

He walked me home. Zak greeted him and thanked him for protecting me. He stayed the night to keep me company.

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