Super sneak

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Zak's point of view

Jordan has worried me the last few days. I don't know what has gotten into her. I feel this instinct that the Jordan I know now, isn't the Jordan I knew last week. I really don't like her hangin with Leo. And especially the other 3 boys, Mickey, Neutron, and Pedro. They get her introuble a lot and I don't need her parents sayin that I was a horrible watcher.  Maybe I need to start staying up later at night to check on her more often?

Jordan came sprinting downstairs.

"Hey Zak. Can I go out for a while, really need some fresh air. You know I was thinking about writing a song about someplace." She plopped on the couch.

"I mean.. sure, but you have to be back by eight cause you got school tomorrow. You need money?" I was digging in my pocket for my wallet.

"Yeah. Like 50." Wait. Fifty. That's a little much isn't it.

Unless she's going to fast lanes then you'd need fifty dollars. Okay...

"Alright, here you go J. Remember what I said." I reminded her like a caution sign.

"Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah be back by eight." J cut me off. 

" okay love you." I said blowing her a kiss. She ran to give me a fistbump.

"Love you too Zak." She closed the door.

I get this gut feeling she's up to no good.

Jordan's point of view

Zak is dumb enough to give me 50 dollars cause it's going for dope. Well, 20 of it is. Leo and I are gonna pop together.

"Sup dude!" I snuck behind Leo making him jump a little.

"Sup bro!" He held his right hand on his heart cause I scared him. Ha.

"I got fifty. I'm buying 20$ worth though. Then maybe we can get some pretzels and fro yo afterwards?" I handed him the money.

"That would be great. Yeah J." I saw a smile creep up his perfect structured face. It had me starstruck. 💖

From the corner of my eye, I saw a man that looked like he could be the dealer, sure it was.

"Aye, blonde kid, you got my money?" The crusty lookin man demanded. Ew.

"Right here for ya." Leo swing the 20 around.

We got our drugs and headed to get pretzels and fro yo at fast lanes.
We bowled and played at the arcade for about 3 1/2 hours and then decided that it was..

Holy shit. It was 9:45 p.m. Yeah better get home. Zak's gonna have my ass!

Leo and I ran home. I opened the door and slammed it while Leo was making his way up my window.

"Jordan I told you to be home." I cut Zak off.

"Yeah yeah 8, we got side tracked cause we went bowling and ate." I yelled.

"Who's we?" He crossed his arms.

"Ugh. Leo and I. I know you hate him, but he's my best friend. Promise we didn't do any thing stupid." I comforted him by rubbing his arm.

"It's not that I hate him, I just don't feel comfortable with just you and him." Zak's voice got low.

"It's okay. I'm not like that Zak. You know that." I tried so hard to have plenty of innocence in my voice. It 95% worked.

"Okay well get ready for bed J." He hugged me.

I ran up the stairs and there he was. Pretty little Leo, sitting right across from me on my bed.

"Hi there." He blushed. That smile showing up again, eyes sparkling.

I sat on the bed with him. Taking one of the pills into my mouth so it'd knock me out for the night.

"Wanna stay with me again tonight Leo?" I asked a bit shy.

He didn't hesitate.

"I was planning to so I could watch over you." His face getting closer to mine. I looked deep into his ocean eyes.

Then I had to quit cause I was getting freaked out.

"Okay let's pop these baby's in and hit the hay shall we?" I watched Leo put his in and five minutes later.

We were out.

Sorry this chapter is short. Just wanted to make a quick update, hope y'all enjoyed. Peace and blessings.

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