Party time

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Leo's point of view

Tonight the weather was extremely nice, so I made the decision of walking over to Jordan's house.
I had this gut feeling that her cousin Zak was over so I decided to throw some rocks at her window to get her attention. Her speakers were on full blast filling my ears with some Breaking Benjamin. So hopefully she notices that tonight we were gonna have a good time.

"J?!" I yelled.
She peeked her head out the window.

"Hi Leo." She smiled and waved. "Hang tough for a second will ya?" She gave me a wink and put her head back indoors.
Jesus why is she so beautiful? Why does she make me hypnotic? I don't need drugs, she is my drug. But I still do them for some fuckin stupid reason.

I hear her music subside and her light shut off. After a minute she opened the door quietly, turned around and shut it. There was my beautiful blue J.

"Had to sneak out. Smart of you to throw rocks at my window babe." She took her arm and wrapped it around my waist, I did the same.

Wait. Did Jordan freakin McIntyre, the love of my life just call me babe?!

"You called me babe?" I smiled. She looked at me with her chocolate brown eyes that were turning hazel.

"Yeah, so... wait... I did?!" She shrieked as if she spooked herself.

"Yeah. Did you not notice?" I laughed.

"Hell no. Okay so before we wake up Zak why don't we make our way to that club that we were gonna get drunk and stoned at how bout that?" She drug my arm and we made our way to the club.

When we got there the lights were so flashy. Perfect enough for us to dance.

"Let's get some shots before we hit the dance floor bud." Jordan punched my arm and made her way to the bar.

Just then Nathan sat himself beside J, I had to see what was up.

"Sup red?" I slid cooly in his seat making him lose his balance he was not gonna sit by my girl. Btw we call him red cause he got red hair.

"Oh nothing much. I was just wondering if y'all wanted some weed? " he pulled out a huge bag of it. Hell ya.

J took the bag from him and pulled out a cig roller.
"I'm ready to get lit bro." She said to us. I think she was drunk already.


Still Leo's point of view btw

It was getting  super hot and crowded. But all I saw was just J and I. After 15 shots, all we could do was grind on each other to the rhythm of the music. We were spinning each other around. We saw beautiful colors, but I mainly saw the most gorgeous, amazingly well put together girl I've seen in my 18 years of life.

Okay so I know this chapter is short and maybe not the best written, but I just wanted to update because I haven't in almost two weeks. I've written this from the top of my head and
I will be doing a part 2 of this chapter because Jordan and Leo are not finished with the night yet. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed. Peace and blessings.

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