Chapter 1

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I watched him dance with a skanky blonde, she ran her hands over his chest and the grip on my glass tightened. My breathe caught in my throat when i met his eyes, when he looked over the girls shoulder, I could drown in his ocean blue eyes, he teasingly winked at me oblivious to the zoo he awoke in my tummy.
I gave him a tight smile and downed the rest of my drink and decided to dance a bit.
And surprisingly my favourite song Umbrella by Rihanna started playing and I let my hips sway to the beat.
I ran my fingers through my hair and down my body and really got lost in my zone, half way through the song a pair of arms were around my waist but I didn't stop dancing, must be the alcohol talking because I didn't care, so I pressed my back into the persons chest and started grinding my ass on his crotch and I felt him harden and his hands wandered up my dress but he didn't go far because he was soon jerked away from me leaving me to stumble , after regaining my balance I spun around so quickly that it was all a blur for a few seconds.
But when I could see clearly again I saw Parker on top of the guy who was already unconscious. Oh gosh Parker was gonna end up killing the guy if I didn't do anything soon.

"Parker stop!" I yelled jerking him back by his shoulders, he looked at me and his anger slowly faded away, he stood up and dragged me out of the club
He stopped when we reached his car and he turned me around to face him and cupped my face in his big hands.

" What were you thinking, Lia He could of fucking hurt you or something far worse!" He yelled at me making my eyes water and his eyes softened and so did his grip on my face and he pulled me in for a hug but I pushed him away and turned around and puked all over someone's car.
Horrified I turned and looked at Parker who was trying not to laugh , but after he saw my glare he smothered his laughter with his hand.
"Come on angel let's get you home before you go on a puking spree," he said picking me up and putting me in his passengers seat and shutting the door, he jumped in the drivers seat and we drove of with me dozing of against the car door.

I finally dozed of while he was driving and kept my eyes closed when I heard him open and shut his door, then my door opened and I felt strong arms around me and he carried me bridal style while I curled into his chest and treasured this perfect moment.

He opened the door with his key and I heard dads voice and then he walked up the steps and soon we were in my room and I was set in the bed and then his arms weren't around me anymore and I missed it.
I opened my eyes slowly and he smiled when he saw I was up and moved my hair from my face
He turned to leave but I grabbed his arm and stopped him from leaving he turned and faced me with a raised eyebrow.

"Stay with me tonight please Parker," I pleaded tightening my grip on his arm

He stared at me before he nodded and I smiled

"But you have to get up brush your teeth , shower and change into your PJs then I'll stay," he said pulling me up and pushing me into the bathroom and when I saw my reflection in the mirror I literally cringed at the horrible sight I quickly brushed my teeth, had a shower and wrapped the towel around my body and stepped out of the bathroom to find the room empty, I sighed and dried myself and quickly changed, just after I dried my hair Parker walked in wearing his boxers and I drooled at his body but snapped out of it when I felt a sudden wave of tiredness wash over me.

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