Chapter 10

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My amazing best friend I don't know what I'd do without you ❤️

I woke up earlier than usual the next morning and decided to take an extra long shower. The scalding water felt good as it travelled along my skin. When I was done, I took my time and settled on a white tee-shirt, black tights and a blush blazer with a peplum bottom.

I hardly ever wore make up, but today was Friday and I felt chirpier than usual. Maybe it was because I had so hot boss, or maybe it was to show Parker what he was missing out on. I was ready to make something of my life and move on from the past.

Grabbing my bag and phone, I snuck out of the apartment as quietly as I could and left for work. I managed to sit through rush hour even though I'd gotten up early.

When I reached Ryder's Corporation, only a few other familiar employees that I had seen were around. Clara passed me in the hall and waved at me good-naturedly and I offered her a warm smile.

"Mr. Ryder will be in soon, but he told me to email you a few files that you could review. Some excellent investments that he's interested in," Clara said.

My mouth fell open and I gathered myself pretty quickly. "What do you mean? Why would he consult me about investments?"

Clara lifted a shoulder. "I don't know. Maybe he sees something in you that you don't see."

"Oh, okay," was all I said, before making my way to my office.

I began working almost immediately as I sat down at my desk. I started up my MacBook and opened up my emails to see two new emails from Clara.

Jaxon wanted me to check out Devereaux Wineries. They owned a vineyard on family grounds and were a thriving company since 1934.

Since Clara and Jaxon hadn't briefed me on what to do, I decided to Googled Devereaux Wineries and read through their reviews and complaints. They seemed to be a promising company with consistency.

The second company, however, was troubling and something didn't sit right with me. Coulter was the name of the up and coming fashion house, but there were past reports of fraud and fake silks and leather used. The company was fined for 10 million dollars back in 2015.

My eyes were fixed to my Mac screen when my doors opened. I looked up to see Jaxon poking his head inside the room.

"It's lunch," he said and came inside.

I looked back at my Mac screen and nodded. "I was just busy. I didn't know…"

He held up two large brown boxes in one hand and a tray of tall plastic cups of coke in his other hand. "I brought you lunch. Best pizza around."

"Oh, thank you," I said, shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

Jaxon set the food on my desk and sat down in front of me. "It's okay. Wouldn't want you going cannibalistic on my staff and I wouldn't want the tabloids thinking I don't pay you enough to get lunch."

I shut my Mac down and pushed it aside. "You're very funny. Maybe your calling was to be a professional clown instead of businessman."

He laughed and it made him seem youthful. "You're still as sarcastic as ever. Maybe you should have been an accountant."

"Why accountant?" I asked.

Jaxon opened up the first box of pepperoni pizza. The aroma of all that melted mozzarella cheese and pepperoni made my mouth water.

"Because they're fucking stuck-ups," he said, his dark blue eyes settled on mine.

"Am I a fucking stuck-up?" I asked.

Holy hell. What the fuck was wrong with me? I was cursing in front of my boss and it felt good.

"No." Jaxon's smile eased me and held up a large slice of pizza. "I'm willing to bet that there is someone else under this hard ass exterior of yours."

"What if your wrong?" I challenged.

He shrugged. "I'm never wrong about these things. Now eat up. This pizza is made from the best Bolzano tomatoes out there."

I rolled my eyes. "You make it sound as if I should be impressed."

Jaxon chuckled. "When will you give a guy a break? And you should be impressed, it's not everyday that I buy my employees good lunch."

I grabbed a slice and took a good chunk out of it. Damn it, Jaxon was right. It was beyond delicious and the pepperoni was slightly spicy.

"I'm impressed," I said honestly.

He nodded and set his slice down. "So, what did you think about the companies I'd asked Clara to email you?"

"Are you sure you want my opinion? I mean don't you have a group of people looking into that kind of thing for you?" I asked.

"You don't have to be a scientist to know that there's a moon with planets out there. I'm asking, because I need a fresh set of eyes and my fucking analyst team is fucking me around," Jaxon explained. "I've been making some bad investments lately and I need someone else. Someone not very familiar with the field to look at it."

I nodded and fired up my Mac again. "So I did research on both and found that Devereaux Wineries seems like a good option. They have a promising business and it would be a good if we invest. They've been reviewed and they're currently running with five stars."

Jaxon sat forward and laced his fingers together. "What about the other company?"

I shook my head. "They appear controversial. There's a lawsuit for them producing outfits, using fake silks and fur."

Jaxon smiled as if he was pleased. "You've actually passed my test. Your mind fucking powerful. I did my own research and just wanted to see if you'd come to the same result which brings me to the conclusion; I want you to come with me tonight to La Femme. It's a night club. I want to do something nice."

I started to shake my head. "I don't think I can do that right now."

Jaxon stood up and placed his arms on my desk. "Lia, I don't care what you think. I want you to join me. I'll pick you up tonight."

And then he left the my office. I swallowed. What the fuck just happened?

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