Chapter 8

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After we finished eat I sent a few more emails until Jaxon said it was time to go and quickly packed my things and followed him to the elevator.
"So what happened between you and my brother?" Jaxon asked while we were waiting for the elevator to reach the ground floor..

"He chose someone else over me. Someone he barely knew. He let her tell him what he should do," I replied

Jaxon didn't say anything after and a few seconds later the door opened and we walked to his car. Thank God Parker didn't see us until after Jaxon passed him but it was too late for him to do anything and I sighed in relief.

The ride was quite and uneventful and soon we reached my apartment and I thanked him for the ride.

He didn't drive off until I went in and closed the door which made me smile to myself.
As I turned around I was caught off guard by Nicole standing behind me looking like she won the lottery... Which would be awesome but I doubt that's the case..

"Heyyy Niks ,what's up?" I asked cautiously

"Shouldn't I be asking you that.. You did just get a ride with a hot guy," she said smiling creepily

"He's my boss Nicole and you will be shocked to know who he is," I replied deciding to tell her the truth

"Your Boss!! Omg he is fire fucking hottt!! Wait what do you mean I will be shocked?" She asked pulling me to sit on the couch

"You remember Parker.. Right?" I asked nervously

"Oh I remember that asshole.. What about him?" She replied frowning

"Wellllll my boss is his brother...," I said while covering my face with my hands

It was quiet for a few seconds then a loud pitch scream was coming from my best friend which made me cringe so badly

"Did you see Parker?" She asked with wide eyes

"Yeahhh on the first day actually when I went for the interview...," I replied

"Why didn't you tell me then and why did you keep it from me?" She asked sadly

"I knew how you would react and I didn't want to worry you and plus we really need the money and its not all bad cos Jaxon is my boss and not Parker..," I said trying to make her worry less

"I guess so.. But I don't trust that asshole after what he did to you! Did he try to talk you or anything?" She asked shaking my shoulders violently

"Stttooopp shhaakkking mmeee!!!" I stuttered out trying to get out of her grip and then distanced myself away from her grip

"Yes he spoke to me but Jaxon was there to help me whenever he tried talking to me... That's why I got a ride from Jaxon, because Parker was waiting for me by my car," I told her while trying to catch my breathe from her violent shaking.

"I swear to God if he comes close to you again or of he comes here, I will beat his ass black and blue with my baseball bat!" She yelled while hitting the pillow on the couch

"OK OK leave the poor pillow alone... Wait a minute Nicole you don't play baseball...,"I said just realizing what her threat was

"Yeah so,"she said while finally letting go of the pillow and walking to the kitchen.

"What do mean so? If you don't play baseball why would you have a baseball bat!" I asked her exasperatedly

*Hey! If Stiles can have a baseball bat to help Scott when he's in trouble then so can I!"She said while waving the spoon around

"Okkkk then... What are you making?" I asked eyeing the weird bubbling mixture in the pot

"Oh its a new recipe I got from this app I just downloaded. Its so easy to make. Here take a look," she said handing me her Tablet

1 cup canned mackerel

1 tablespoon sunflower seed oil

1 tablespoon organic, brown rice, cooked

1 to 2 tablespoons of chicken or beef broth, or water


Combine all ingredients in a food processor.

Pulse until blended.

Serve immediately and refrigerate leftovers up to three days.

"Oh wow this does seem easy, "I said browsing through the recipe when I something caught my eye in the title

Irresistible Homemade Cat Food Recipes!!!

"Uhmm Nicole we don't have a cat,"I told her

"Yea I know that,"she replied putting the food on a plate

"Nicole this is homemade recipes for cats!!!" I yelled

*Hey they never said no human consumption, plus its much easier to cook then regular meals," she replied while taking a bite
I waited for a few minutes while she chewed. All of a sudden she jumped out of her chair and rushed to the bathroom, shocked and concerned I ran after and I got worried when I saw her puking in the toilet, I went over to her and held her her hair away from her face and waited until she was finished.

"What happen? Are you alright now?" I asked her rubbing a her back soothingly

"I think the food wasn't right for my stomach...,* she said sheepishly

We stared at each other for a second then we burst out laughing.. After we stopped and caught out breathe she brushed her teeth while I ordered Chinese for dinner.

" Parker doesn't know where you stay, does he?" Nicole asked from behind me as I was cleaning the mess in the kitchen

"Don't worry Nik, he doesn't know where I live and I doubt he'll come home to talk to me," I told her, and gave her a short hug

*You never know, when you were telling me what he said it really sounded like he wasn't gonna give up talking to you," she said while she switched the TV on

"Trust me, he didn't make an effort before why would he make an effort now.. He's not going to come here," I reassured her while taking a seat next to her.

Just as I said that the door bell rang making me sigh in relief.

"Oh thank god the food is here, I'm starving," Nicole said while taking the money from the table
I heard her open the door and waited for to come back but after a few minutes when I didn't hear the door close I got up to see what happened and when I reached the front door but breathe got caught in my throat and without a second thought I slammed the door on Parker's face.

"So much for him not knowing where you stay huh?" Nicole said while glaring at the door.

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