Chapter 7

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I woke to Nicole jumping on me, gosh she's crazy after I told her I got the job she screamed the whole house down and we pigged out in front of the TV for the rest of this day I didn't tell her about Parker or who was my boss not just yet

It was my first day of work. Was I nervous? Yes but I was more nervous about who my boss is but I need this job and the pay is good.

I had a shower and got dressed in a purple sleeveless dress that flared out at my waist and stopped above my knee and paired it with white pumps.
For my makeup I put on thick eyeliner and red lipstick.
I decided to straighten my red hair and let fall to my waist freely
Slipping my necklace, earrings and my watch I was ready to go
I grabbed my phone and made my way to the kitchen where Nicole was making breakfast
She gave me a plate filled with eggs, bacon and sausages with a glass of orange juice.

I quickly had breakfast and brushed my teeth after I was done.

I grabbed my phone, handbag and my keys.
I kissed Nicole's cheek and said goodbye.

Driving to work was hard cause I was not focused at all and I kept on thinking about the chances of Parker being there.
I just can't face him right now without wanting to throw something at him...

I parked my car in front of the huge building and stepped out locking it and walked to the entrance. The guard opened the door for me with a smile which I returned with a good morning.

I went to the elevator and stepped in when it opened
I glanced at my watch and saw the time, I was 15 minutes early.

When the elevator reached the floor I was on I hurried out and went straight to my cabin left my stuff and went to check if my boss was here as yet. It felt weird addressing Jaxon as boss.
I knocked on the door and opened it when I heard his voice

When I stepped inside he was standing by the huge glass window looking outside

"Um good morning... Sir," I said nervously feeling a bit odd calling Jaxon sir

He turned around and gave me a nod
"Morning Ms Knight, you have a lot to do so I suggest you start right away," he said walking to his seat and sitting down

I gave him a small nod and exited the office and went to the break room and made two cups of coffee and hurried back to his cabin

Not bothering to knock I opened the door and placed the cup of coffee on his desk and wait for him to give an instruction

"Tasty coffee, now you need to organise a few files for an important meeting tomorrow, reply to emails and fix meetings on appropriate dates and you also need to memorize my schedule," he said sternly while not looking at me but at the computer screen.

"Yes Sir, would that be all?" I asked before leaving and when he said
No, I went to my cabin and immediately got to work and I didn't stop.
I was so busy that I didn't realise lunch already passed and it was already almost time for me to leave.
If Parker didn't walk in my cabin I wouldn't of knew the time but I was shocked to see him in front of me so suddenly but I masked my emotions and instead carried on with my work.

"If Jaxon is going too hard on you I can talk to him about it," he finally said breaking the silence that I quiet enjoyed

Instead of replying I just continued to type and send out emails

"Lia please, can't you see I'm trying to talk to you," he snapped frustration laced in his words

"And can't you see I'm trying to work," I replied calmly but in my head I've already murdered him 100 times or maybe more..

The phone rang and I picked it up quickly.

"Ryder's corporation, how can I help you?" I said

"Ms Knight my office now!" The voice of my boss snapped at me
Geesh what crawled up his butt and died

I quickly sent one more email and walked to his cabin with Parker trailing behind me

"Mr. Ryder you called," I said when I stepped inside

"Yes Lia you missed lunch, I know I said you should try and send all emails today but I didn't say you have to miss lunch," he said pulling me to the desk and seating me on the chair

"I guess I got a bit carried away," I said blushing at his close proximity

"Well I hope you still like Chinese, cause that's what I remembered," he said opening up a container and handed me my chopsticks

"Yes I still love it," I replied smiling

"That's good," he said sighing in relief

"Please tell me you eating with me?" I asked staring at him

"Why of course I am," he replied sitting next to me and started eating

We looked up when someone cleared their throat and saw Parker standing by the door looking furious, I actually forgot about him.

"Is there a reason you're here?" Jaxon asked raising his eyebrow

"I just came to talk to Lia," he replied looking at me but I just continued to stuff my mouth with food cause gosh I was starving

"Parker this isn't a social gathering or a place where you can waltz in and start socializing, this is a workplace so leave if it isn't anything relating me or the company," Jaxon said kinda pissed off.

"Fine but Lia we will talk later after you finish eat, I'll be waiting by your car," he said making me choke on my food
Parker rushed forward but Jaxon already had a bottle of water pressed against my lips and made me drink.

"You ok shorty?" Jaxon asked tilting my face to look at him

"Yeah thank you," I replied smiling slightly

When I heard the door slam shut I breathed a sigh of frustration now how the hell am I going to avoid him?

"I'll drop you off at your place then tell my driver to drop off your car later on, that's if you want that?" He said running his fingers through his hair

"Oh thank goodness! Yes of course that will be awesome, thanks," I exclaimed gratefully
Thank you guys so much for reading

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