Chapter 4

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The week went by in a blur and I was slowly coming back to normal, Parker was spending more time with Caroline and less time with his friends. Caroline turned out to be a fake ass bitch, she pretends to be innocent in front of him but she turns into Satan's sister when he's not around.
But it was finally my birthday and also a few weeks before we start examinations and plus I got the whole prom thing to organise and I was under so much stress i just wanted to fucking scream.

Parker didn't speak to me from that day he walked away and I felt lost without him. Now that he hasn't been around me I realized how much my world revolved around him. It was sad really, on how dependent I was on him. I wanted to talk to him. I've given him his space.

Just when I thought my life couldn't suck anymore and God might show some pity and have mercy on my poor soul... OK that's a bit dramatic but the worst thing happened.

It was Friday morning and I was standing by my car with the gang and they were all giving me gifts and cards for my birthday when we saw Parkers car drive through the school gates, and I was nervous cause today I decided to get my best friend back. But what shocked us was who jumped out of the car with Parker, Caroline Tanner, the wanna be Queen Bee but the actual Queen Bee is better then this bitch and I'm friends with the Queen Bee and she's not that bad at all. She's just misunderstood

Parker had his arm around her waist and he didn't pull away when she kissed him, and no it was not a peck it was a full on fucking make out session in the middle of the parking lot and the pieces of my heart that still had hope of him coming back into my life disappeared.
They came by where we was standing and Nicole and the gang moved in closer to me which made this ish  a whole lot worse cause now I was in front of Parker and wannabe Barbie

"Parker please tell me you're not dating this bitch,"Nicole said hysterically

" Don't call her a bitch, she's my girlfriend, give her some respect, Parker said grabbing Caroline's hand in his

"Yeah that's not happening, I'll respect this wannabe Barbie when she earns my respect. And you're dating her!! What kind of fucked up drugs are you on?"Nicole replied aggressively while shooting daggers to Caroline

" Guys I asked Caroline to be my girlfriend yesterday, and you should respect that and accept it because I'm happy with her, she makes me happy. And if you can't accept her then maybe you'll aren't good friends," he said with a frown but then smiled at Caroline and it was not those forced ones he's been giving me when my dad forced him to stay over for dinner on the weekend.

I gave them a tight lipped smile and I saw the schools Queen Bee, Brittney waving me over and I sighed in relief and walked over to her and my arm brushed Parker's arm and I resisted the urge to look at him.

"Hey Britt what's up?"  I asked but was surprised when she pulled me into a hug
"Firstly ,happy birthday girly, Now do i get permission to wreck that wannabe Barbie's face. I mean its already wrecked from all that make up but I can do some more permanent damage,"  she asked glaring at Parker and Caroline

"Thanks Britt but you don't have to do that," I said smiling at her

" Aw are sure? I can make it look like an accident," she said smirking

"Yes Britt, put those claws away for now," I said chuckling
We hugged once more and she left.

I stood and watched Parker and Caroline flirt with each other and I felt worse then ever. I needed to talk to him. Sure he's dating Caroline but I want my best friend back. I can handle him dating someone else...i think, but I can't handle him not being in my life. I'll go over to his house after school, hopefully we can talk things out.

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