Chapter 11

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An amazingly talented writer

"What did you say?" Nicole asked as she stuffed a forkful of creamy pasta into her mouth.

"Jaxon asked me to go with him to La Femme," I said, as I scanned through my closet to find something nightclub worthy.

"Dude, do you know how hard it is to get in, you have to be super fucking rich to get a spot in there," Nicole explained. "Maybe he's into you."

I rolled my eyes. "I don't think that is what he has on his mind, Nik. Besides, Jaxon is hot and I'm sure that he has a long line of equally rich models lined up."

"Why would he invite you then?" she asked. "If he supposedly had a long line of girls."

I let out a deep breath and sat down on my plush pusheen. "I don't know why. And I don't freaking know what to wear. I haven't been to a club in ages, let alone an awesome one."

Nicole set her bowl of pasta down and walked up to my closet. She inspected my clothes, lifting up each and every top and dress, before turning back to me.

She held a pair of high waisted shorts that were tied with a crisscross network of lace at the sides and a see-through lace camisole with spaghetti straps.

"I can't wear that in front of my boss!" I scolded her.

Nicole threw the clothes at me. "You will wear it Amelia. You're not five years old anymore. You are a woman and you will dress like one starting right this second."

I rolled my eyes. "I dress fine."

"No, you dress like a prude. Now please for my sake go and put it on." Nicole pouted and I rolled my eyes again.

"Fine, whatever," I said.

Nicole did a little happy dance and then left my room so that I could get ready. I stripped and had a quick shower before dressing up in the outfit. The shorts hugged my thighs and
curved waist perfectly. The top made me feel a little nervous, especially because it showed off my black bra underneath.

Picking through my shoes, I settled on a pair of black combat boots. And then I applied a matte shade of red lipstick and some bronzer. When I looked in the mirror, I felt sexy, I felt different, I felt rebellious.

'You can do this,' I told myself.

My phone buzzed and Jaxon's name popped up. My heart began racing like a wild stallion and I took a nervous deep breath.

Jaxon : I'm here shortcake…

I smiled and ran downstairs with my phone and satchel in hand.

"Have a good time," Nicole said from the living room. "Love you."

"Thanks and I love you too," I said as I opened the front door and rushed outside.

The air was cool on my skin and I shivered slightly. Winter was coming around really fast.

I heard the purr of an engine and turned to see as a BMW stopped outside the apartment. Jaxon stepped out and came around as I approached him.

I'm pretty sure that I was gaping, but Jaxon looked so good and different than when he was at work. He was in a thin black t-shirt that stretched across his broad shoulders and abdomen really nicely. His black jeans fitted him perfectly as he stood against the car. He ran a hand through his black hair was slightly damp as if he'd just had a shower.

And damn, he smelled good too, I realised when I was standing in front of him. His spicy scent filled my senses.

Jaxon's gaze wandered over my own outfit with an appreciating look in his dark blue eyes. A devilish smile tugged at his full lips. If he looked at me all evening like that then I was definitely going to melt into a puddle of gooeyness.

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