Chapter 3

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The lessons went by in a blur and Logan tried to make me laugh, but I just didn't feel like it and as soon as the bell rang for lunch I ran out of the class so I didn't get pushed by the crowd.
I opened my locker and stuffed my books inside and slammed it shut.
When I turned around, I swear I had a mini heart attack because Parker was standing behind me.

"Damn it Parker, you almost killed me you idiot,"I yelled while scowling at him

" Um sorry I just needed to talk to you," he said ruffling his hair
Just that simple action got my heart fluttering.

" Oh wait, you mean you're done ignoring me?" I asked crossing my arms across my chest and leaning against my locker.

"I wasn't ignoring you, I was just kinda avoiding to talk to you,"  he said rubbing his neck

"Well forgive me if it means the same fucking thing asshat!" I snapped and started walking towards the cafeteria.
I needed food before I murder someone, and that someone is Parker.

"Wait Lia ,we need to talk about last night," he said grabbing my arm

Well I did want to know what made him act like a complete asshole to me.

"Fine what happened," I said pulling my arm out of his grip
Don't get me wrong I love his touch but I can't think clearly when he touches me.

"Well last night...," he started to say but stopped and closed his eyes

"Parker you do know I'm not a fucking mind reader right?" I asked sarcastically

"Amelia you said...that...," he began but then he stopped again

"Omg just tell me what I said for gods sake,"I groaned in annoyance

He glared at me but then he sighed and held my shoulders.

" You...said ...that," he stuttered out

" Keep going you're almost there," I said sarcastically

He stayed silent and I got super annoyed cause he was wasting time and I was hungry.

"OK I've had enough, Parker I'm starving and if you don't know how to speak in a proper sentence then go get  a note book and a dictionary then come and tell me!! I snapped and pushed past him

He grabbed my arm and stood in front of me
" You said... That you have fallen in love with me Lia," he said and his grip on me went limp and he dropped his hand from my arm

And that's how ladies and gents my heart stopped beating and I froze while staring at him without blinking.

"Lia!"he said shaking me
Reality came crashing back and I blinked rapidly and then looked at him

"You're telling me that, the reason you've been acting like an asshole was because I told you I love you,"  I stated while staring at him ridiculously

"Yes that's the reason, I just couldn't bring myself to talk to you as yet," he replied while sighing

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yelled startling him

You've been acting like an asshole cos of something that small! Where in that sentence I said last night did I say that you had to be in love with me too! I'm not forcing you to do anything or feel any type of way, yes it wasn't the ideal way of you finding out but it was sooner or later," I started yelling while hitting his chest repeatedly in frustration

" Lia, I don't know if things can be the same after me knowing about your feelings for me," he replied softly his eyes apologetic

" Why not?Parker, you're my best friend and I understand that you don't feel the same way I do and I honestly accept that. I stopped myself from telling you how I feel because you're my best friend, you're my rock, Parker. I can't afford to lose you... Please forget this happened, we can pretend this never happened,"I pleaded while holding on to his hands in mine. I can't lose him over a drunken confession. I can't lose my best friend.

He smiled sadly and gave me a bone crushing hug, and I hugged him back with equal force. I didn't want to let go. I couldn't let go.
He pried me of him and pushed me an arms length away.

"I love you Lia . You're the best thing in my life and I don't know what I'll do without you. But as much as I want to pretend this never happened, I can't seem to forget it. I don't want to hurt you but I need some time," he said with sadness and regret swirling in his eyes. He gave me one last parting kiss on my forehead and walked away from me. He didn't even look back. Not even once....

And if you listened carefully you could hear the sound of my heart shattering with every step he took away from me.
He needed time. Fine I'll give him time. I just hope I don't lose him forever.
I didn't even realise I was crying until someone wiped them away I looked up to see Logan smiling at me sympathetically
He pulled me into a hug and I clung to him for dear life and soaked his t - shirt with my tears but he just held me tighter not saying a word.

He held me for a few more minutes then I went to the girls bathroom and cleaned myself up and we walked into the cafeteria together. We sat down and I gave a fake smile to everyone and leaned against Logan who wrapped his arms around me and I ignored anyone who spoke to me, I just couldn't talk to anyone as yet cause if I do I know I'll burst out crying again...

He said he loved me, but then he left. He said he didn't want to hurt me but he did just that, by leaving me. I didn't ask for him to return my feelings for him. I just wanted him to know that I love him a bit more than a best friend would. How long is it going to take for him to come back to me... Will our friendship ever be the same again?

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