Chapter 5

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"Nicole get your lazy ass up you have to get to work!"I yelled at my best friend/ roommate

" No, I don't!" She yelled back

" What? Nicole you lost your job again?"I asked her while walking into her room.

" Yepz now its your turn to find a job and keep it cause I'm not in the mood to work for a few weeks," she said throwing a pillow at my face

" Nic you're never in the mood to work,"I replied pulling her out of bed
" So true,"she said laughing and we both tumbled on the floor
" OK let's look for a job for you," she said opening her laptop and started typing
"Oh looky here there's an opening for a PA at the Hunter brothers company, has to be experienced, fast typer , good listener, knows about finance and the basics of being a PA," she read out
I went and sat besides her and looked at what she was reading

"Lia you have all these qualities and its really good pay its $80,000 a month," she said squealing

"OK give me the number to phone," I said rolling my eyes
She gave me the number and I dialed it and waited for someone to pick up

"Good morning, Ryders corporation how can I assist you,"answered a female voice

"Um hi I'm calling for the PA job...," I said biting my lip nervously
"Oh of course can I have your full name please?" She asked

"Amelia Raine Knight," I said

"Alright, would you be able to make it at 1pm?" she asked

"Ah yes that's fine thank you,"I replied

"Ok Miss Knight we will see you then," she said then hung up

I looked at Nicole"I have an interview at 1pm,"I told her and she jumped on me and hugged me
" OK OK get off me you wild animal," I yelled and we rolled on our backs and just lay there until Nicole spoke

" I'm going to dress you up for the interview," she said sitting up

"Fine but I don't wanna look like a hooker," I told her while I got up and made the bed she eventually came and helped we had breakfast and went shopping for dresses and after that she dressed me and I had half an hour to get to the office. It wasn't anything fancy just a black and blue lace dress that stopped above my knee and was long sleeves I wore my black pumps with it and for the makeup my eyeliner was slightly winged and I had red lipstick on and my hair was straitened and went below my waist

I carried my CV and jumped in the car my dad left for me before he died in a plane crash on his way home, I gave Nicole a quick hug and sped of to the office, once I reached there I rechecked my makeup and got all my wits together, I jumped out of the car and walked in the office. Damn just the reception area was freaken huge.
I went to the reception and told the lady my name I was then led upstairs via the elevator and was seated in a waiting room with other girls that got the job description wrong and thought they were looking for hookers cause that's how all of them was dressed.

I went and sat in a corner and waited for my name to be called
As I was day dreaming someone shouted my name and I snapped out of it and walked carefully into the office and closed the door behind me.

But when I turned around I got the shock of my life.Faith is cruel with its games.
Those light blue eyes I would recognized anywhere, my ex best friend was standing in front of me wearing the same expression as me ,shock, but my expression soon turned sour and I backed myself against the door as he came closer,

"Angel," he whispered
I shook my head no and pressed my back even more against the door I'm pretty sure if I went any further I would end up going through the door.

Just then the door flung open making me jerk forward into Parker's arms

"Seriously bro i give you one job to do but you just have to whore around in my office," snapped a familiar voice

I turned around to see Jaxon standing there with a murderous expression but when he saw me he froze
Jaxon was sent to juvie when he was in grade 8 and I never saw him again until now
Jaxon and I always teased each other and insulted each other we used to frustrate everyone around us once we start fighting.

" Why the fuck are staring at me like that?" he snapped at me

"You seriously don't recognize me?" I asked shocked.. Well I don't blame him cos we haven't seen each other in ages.. I looked completely different and he kinda looked the same those eyes are unforgettable just like his brothers.

"Did we fuck or something?" he asked tilting his head and lowered his eyes further down my body

"Ew no you asshole! It's Amelia Knight," I snapped back glaring holes into his face

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