Chapter 9

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Parker didn't stop knocking and eventually we opened to door because our food arrived and he barged in. And now he is sitting on the couch while Nicole and I are glaring holes in his head.

"Look angel I know you hate me for what I did and I know I'm a coward but I was childish and I was scared,and I thought Caroline was right," Parker said looking at me with pleading eyes

"Firstly my name is Amelia not angel secondly yes you are a coward. And yes you are childish, what were you so afraid of, that you'll catch cooties if you still stayed my best friend," I said exasperatedly

"No! I just felt like nothing would be the same between us after your..confession," he replied with frustration clear in his voice

"Fuck you Parker! I was willing to get over my feelings for you because I didn't want to ruin years of friendship.. But you didn't think twice before walking away and leaving me for someone you barely knew, you trusted her but not our friendship," I said with tears in my eyes I was getting choked up and I did not want to start crying in front of him

" What do you want from me? After all these years what the hell do you want now? You were fine with having no contact with me and blocking my number, so why the hell can't you leave me alone?" I asked collapsing on couch with my head in my hands.. I felt exhausted and drained... I wanted to curse him out some more and yell at him for leaving me but I just didn't have any energy left

" Lia listen... I didn't block you.. Well I did, but I didn't have a choice.. Caroline said it would be best if I didn't have any contact with you in case it gave you false hope of me returning your feelings for me," he said waking up and kneeling in front of me..
He lifted his hand to caress my cheek and I relished the moment... Reality soon kicked in when Nicole gave a sharp sarcastic laugh

" Listen here you prick, I'm starving and we've had enough of you.. So just say what you came here to say and then kindly fuck off from our lives again," she snapped while slapping his hand away from.. I moved away from him and leaned against the wall staring at him waiting for him to say what he needs to say so this situation could be over like a bad dream.

" I just wanted to say, that I'm sorry left you.. I'm sorry I wasn't there's for you when your dad died.. I'm sorry i didn't come to the funeral, I'm sorry I hurt you and I'm so sorry for breaking your trust in me, and I'm sorry I chose Caroline over our friendship, "he said finishing with a noticeable crack in his voice which made my heart ach, it almost made me reach out to him. The feelings was still there, it never faded it just got covered up with hurt and anger My heart still sped up when he was close..I just felt disappointed and hurt that my best friend wasn't there for me when I needed him the most.

"You want my forgiveness yea?  I forgive you for breaking my heart.. I forgive you for leaving.. I forgive you for forgetting our friendship, but I can never forgive you for not showing up at the funeral.. My dad adored you and treated you like his son and you couldn't respect that bond by showing your face at his funeral,"I replied my voice laced with anger and disgust

"You said what you needed to say and I gave you my reply, now please leave," I said pointing to the door but he stood rooted to his spot and I was running out of patience... Grabbing his arm I dragged... Well tried to drag his heavy body out the door and it was a work out but Nicole helped and eventually he got tired or snapped out of whatever daze he was in and he pulled away from us and walked out the door himself... He turned back to look at me and his piercing gaze made my heart stutter. He walked to his car and drove of... I shut the door and leaned against it sighing as I stared at Nicole.. She stared back at me and without me saying anything she embraced me in her arms and I broke down... I haven't sobbed like this in ages and when I was done I felt lighter and my head was clear.. Still a bit hazy but nothing food and a good night sleep couldn't fix. We ate while watching a zombie movie Nicole found on Netflix and we laughed at how stupid people were in the movie.. I felt relaxed and I was grateful for my best friend.

Getting ready for bed I started thinking about this new job of mine.. I started thinking about Jaxon and how much he's changed.. Jaxon has this aura around him that makes you love him but also want to strangle him... I don't know how I'm going to handle his mood swings at work and I swear keeping my temper in check and resisting the urge to staple his tongue to the desk is going to be a hard task cos he just knows how to get on my nerves..
I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes and I felt the exhaustion take over me and I was out in seconds.

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