{~ Chapter Ten ~}

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.:: Chapter Ten ~ Ineffable ::.

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He wasn't trying to ignore him. No that wasn't the case at all, he just felt so awkward after that night, usually after one night stands, he just feels pleased and moves on with his life, but for some reason, fucking Ryan was entirely different.

It's been a week since. I mean honestly, how is he still caught up in this awkward situation?

Over the days, Ryan has been a running subject in his head, and it doesn't help that he see's him almost everyday.

Much like Pete, he now sees Pete everyday.





The fucker has his hands all over Ryan too.

Brendon walked into the shop, being hit with the scent of sunlight cutting through the green leaves, playing with kids in his backyard, the bittersweet taste of otterpops, juice packs, and freshly plucked crab apples crawling on the back of his tongue, the typical kicking of a red bouncy ball, and giggles filling his ears as he took in the scent.

He looked at the dark red counter, narrowing his gaze seeing the one and only Pete Wentz.

Brendon had gotten a I.P. to do work on him and got information on him, not much being gathered, but enough information for Brendon to hate him.

"Where's Ryan?" Brendon asked slowly and sternly, staring at the (not wanting to admit it) but beautiful man, Pete had black hair that swooped across the right side of his face, covering up some of his milky brown eye, he had a strong jaw and a sharp, bright, and highly attractive smile.

"He's at a doctor's appointment. Why?" Pete asked with one of his once again beautiful smiles.

"No reason." Brendon replied sharply, he didn't have any bodyguards today because about everyone in this damn city didn't know who the fuck Brendon was, so there really wasn't a need for bodyguards.

"Hmm. No reason my ass, you just need to get rid of the tight feeling in your pants." Pete snapped, it was unexpected and very unlike him, or so Brendon assumed.

"No, I have to ask him something, asshole." Brendon retorted straighting his posture a bit.

"Listen King Forehead," Pete began, walking away from the counter and up to Brendon, as Brendon made a disapproving face and lightly pressed his fingers against his forehead, "Ryan and I have known each other for awhile, and I can already tell he hates you, you justg seem to be the problem, do you not get that he doesn't like You? He likes me, pal." Pete finished crossing his arms in front of his chest.

Brendon chuckled lightly, "As much as you'd like to be, you're really not that intimidating, your cute when your angry." Brendon teased, he didn't want to be the one saying things that could be used against him.

"Im being serious, Brendon. Back. Off." Pete said stepping closer twice during his very short speech.

Suddenly Brendon didn't care that Pete could use the words he was about to say against him.

"You do realize, I had sex with him about a week ago, also got a blowjob from him two weeks ago, when all you're getting is a damn hug." Brendon said slyly, digging under the nail of his middle finger with his thumb, by then, Pete had become furious, his face was flushed and his fist were balled.

"Brendon!" Zach shouted from behind the corner of the hallway, "Come on."

"Bye babe." Brendon said with a smirk as he licked his lips and sashayed away from the shorter boy.

The last thing ringing in his ears was Pete mumbling a quiet "Fuck you."


"I'm back!" Ryan called out to Pete, he was hoping Pete was still there, he honestly really enjoyed the slightly older boys company.

"Good." Ryan flushed pink hearing the too deep to be Pete voice.

"B-Brendon, hey." Ryan almost whispered, scratching the back of his neck.

"Hey.." Brendon started, "Listen, I really don't want things to be awkward, and I'm sorry they have been lately." Brendon said to Ryan as Ryan waltzed to the fridge to set his sandwich from subway inside.

"I know. I don't know why it has been like this." Ryan sighed turning to see Brendon's chair facing Towards Ryan, rather then the white rounded table.

Brendon laughed uneasily.

"It seems it's still awkward." Ryan said with a light blush.

Brendon licked his lips, "Yeah, I'm sorry."

"But it doesn't have to be..." Ryan said looking to his right as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

Brendon reached out, wrapping his boney fingers around Ryan's wrist, pulling Ryan into his lap.

Ryan smiled shyly as he wrapped his arms around Brendon's neck.

They stayed like that for a while, staring into each others eyes, admiring every bit of one another, taking it in, as if they could never see this beautiful sight ever again.

"You're so beautiful." Brendon whispered looking so far into Ryan's eyes, he could burn holes.

Ryan only nodded, entrapped by the look in Brendon's eyes, leaning in slowly, each breath getting heavier as their lips grew closer, their lips touched and Brendon nor Ryan had ever felt this feeling, their lips moved together like to puzzle pieces made to fit, Brendon pushing his tongue softly into Ryan's mouth, Ryan letting out a soft and slow gasp, butterflies fluttering crazily in his stomach, their tongues danced almost perfectly, setting fires in both of the boys stomachs, the feeling so different and fulfilling then what they had ever felt in their living being.

Brendon gripped Ryan's sides softly, as Ryan pushed his hips against Brendon's calmly, yet eager, Brendon let out a moan, not as sexual as he usually would, but a release of the strong butterflies in his stomach. He was overwhelmed with the lovey dovey, wishy washy feeling, close to dying inside from the feeling.

Ryan pulled away, Brendon whining in protest.

Ryan let out a big exhale.

"That was..." Ryan paused touching his lips, "That was wow."

"I second that." Brendon replied, both out of breath and both wanting each others lips on their own again.

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