Playful | 7. She lied.

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J E O N G H A N ' S  P O I N T    O F V I E W

I saw her hopped down on a car as she reached the place that we talked so. It was Joshua's car if I am not mistaken.

She ran over me while looking around as if she's searching for somebody.

"Are you alone?" She asked me immediately as she stood a feet a way from me. Hyejeong hugged me and I had thought if I have to hug her back.

"Yes." I answered coldly. "Why is Joshua with you?"

I was mad.

"I asked him to accompany me." She answered casually.

"Why asked him when you have me?" I fired back. She scratched her forehead and tugged my sleeves.

"Actually, there's something that I have to tell you, Jeonghan. It's very important and I think you have to know it." She said with hope in her eyes. It was the first that I saw it.

"Look who we have here!" Lira and her friends came. We were actually together. They said that they would enter dramatically.

She stepped back a little.

"I-i thought you are alone?" She stuttered and looked at me confusingly.

"Not anymore." Lira went beside me and gave me a sloppy kiss on the lips her eyes were looking at Hyejeong, pissing her.

She didn't say a word, but I knew she was in pain. Her face showed it all.

Lira's friends, the boys, grabbed her arm and pulled her away from us, but we were still visible on her eyes.

I fought the urge to stop them holding her, afraid that she might get hurt. But I didn't need to do it anymore.

We're over.

"Jeonghan, whatever you have to say, can you say it next time? Because you really need to know this---" She plead desperately.

"Jeonghan had been courting me since we were in grade school. I liked him since then and it blossomed into love when we got in college." Lira told her the story.

"...What Lira wants, Lira gets. Do you experience on hating somebody without a reason? I just saw you once, but I wouldn't forget your name. I heard it many times, you know."

"...How can a peasant like you get a lot of attention?! The professors set you as an example and every department looked up on you, why? What's so special with you that everyone adores you?"

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