Playful | 22. Young Jeonghan

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"Jeonghan oppa is so beautiful." I heard the girls standing infront of their classroom chatting. I flashed them a smile and they giggled.

My feet happened to bring me on the Music Department building. This wasn't the first time that I roamed in here. On times that the professor didn't arrive, I always walked around this building and hoping to catch a glimpse of Hyejeong.

Of course she didn't know because she was always occupied with her lessons, talking with her friends, or composing music.

I didn't call her. I could always get for her attention when classes were over. I wanted her to lend time on her passions and dreams too.

Yet today, I found her seat empty. I thought of ignoring it, but since I didn't see Jisoo the whole day, I dared to ask the girls in her classroom.

"Where is Hyejeong?" I asked casually, secretly hoping that she wasn't with Jisoo.

Her classmates were all in awe to me. They were staring at my face with hearts in their eyes. I grew impatient so I knocked on the wooden door.

"It seems she's sick. She didn't attend class today." One answered, still in neverland.

I checked my phone. Why didn't she tell me that she won't go to school today? I was thinking of calling her till I thought of surprising her.

I returned to Business building to get for my bag.

"Where are you going? We still have one more subject." My classmate called me when he noticed that I was going to cut class.

"I'm calling it a day. I have to see my girlfriend." I responded proudly.

Maybe, we could go on a road trip. I just got my new Ferrari as gift from my mom. I was excited to show it to Hyejeong and let her be the first lady to ride it.

I stopped across my house when I noticed the familiar car.

"That's Jisoo... What is he doing infront of my house?" He didn't notice me because of my new car. I was going to honk on him when Hyejeong came out of the gate and Jisoo went out to her.

He hugged and rubbed her back to console her.

I didn't know if I should be bothered by her tears or the fact that he was with him. I could get out of the car and confronted her, but I didn't want to fight.

I calmed myself and texted her that there was something that I had to speak with her. It's about her friendship with Jisoo and so my relationship with Lira.

Soon, we would graduate, and I wanted to raise the score between us.

Hyejeong and Jisoo left on his car. And when they were nowhere to be seen, I went inside the gates.

My mom was getting down the stairs when I entered the hall.

"What's happening?" I asked her. Instead of answering, she rushed towards me and kissed my cheeks.

"What happened in here?" I repeated.

"My son." She called with no answer.

"I saw Hong and Hyejeong in the gate. Why is Hyejeong crying?" I asked in details.

My mom looked at me with a serious face.

"Didn't she tell you?"

Now I was more curious.

"No. Why is she crying?"

Playful | jeonghanWhere stories live. Discover now