Is She The One? (Camren)

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A/N: So this is a Camren story but I wan't you to know it is only Lauren's POV. I might put in a few Camila chapters but I'm not sure yet. So tell me what you think. ~Camissa

*Lauren's POV*

Lying in bed staring at the white ceiling. Trying to figure out the meaning of life. I have been here for 3 hours all I see are the memories playing over and over again. The midnight strolls, the breakfast picnics, the movie nights. Every single one leaving another heartbreak. One after another. She was in and out of my life faster than what I had thought. we knew it would be a spring romance. That is how it always was, until she would go back across the world again. But again we gave it a chance and again I was heartbroken. We do this every spring and summer break. This time though it was different, this time would be the last. I came home from the airport

and get onto my laptop. When I sign into my facebook at the very top of my newsfeed I see

~Vero is in a relationship~

she replaced me like that. I was gone out of her mind. My head started spinning, I couldn't help but to cry. I broke down like the time I found out what happened to my mom.

But then I see some girl had added me, I clicked on her profile. It was the new girl I have seen around school a lot lately. Her name is Camila Cabello, the newest girl at school but yet the most popular. She was beautiful I had thought, but instead of looking through her pictures I looked through her posts to see what kind of person she was. She loved music and was such an inspirational writer, her words like magic on a blank paper. I soon got addicted with her, my new drug. I look through everything, rereading it over and over again trying to find the courage to talk to her. I spend hours trying to figure this girl out. Trying to get her pretzeled personality straight. But every time I tried I found myself more lost in her, falling harder and harder for her. Even though I know she would never like me or be my friend. I am the nerdy shy girl and she is the popular one.

What am I saying? I do not know her at all. I barely know her name. I have never talked to her. Yet I am falling for her like she is a witch who has casted a spell on me. I soon decide to try and fall asleep since it was already about 3 in the morning and I had school in the morning. After a hour and a half I realized that their was no way I was going to fall asleep tonight. So I slink out of bed and head to my bathroom. I strip and head into the burning hot shower. I start to think and think about all that has gone wrong in my life. Like every time I get in a hot shower. Next thing I know the shower is spinning, the water starts to get instantly cold and I am laying on the shower ground, everything turning dark. But before I black out I hear one scream. "LAUREN!!!" Then I was gone out of the light world. Pushed into darkness where I could not feel myself breathing.

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