chapter 9

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A/N: I decided to work on it to get my mind off of things, sorry if it is not super good though and that it is so short. Btw the words that are in bold in this chapter is something that I made and say to my friends all the time and I hope if anything it can help you. Comment or D/m what you guys think please :)

~Camissa Cabello

I wake up laying on my ground, eyes wet and face struck of tears. I sit up and dry my eyes looking around finding the glass still everywhere. I pick up a piece and drag it across my leg about 20 times then grab a towel and clothes heading towards the bathroom to get a shower. It only being Saturday I decide to stay in for a while, getting out as the water becomes cold. I grab my towel and dry off getting ready for the day. Right before I get changed into my pants I hear a knock at the my bedroom door. The doorknob jiggles I get frightened so I jump to my bed with all my things getting under the blankets. I shut my eyes and act asleep right as the door opens. I hear many foot steps walk over to the bed. Whispering. Not loud enough for me to hear but just loud enough to know it was the girls. What were they doing here?

Before I knew it though the whispering had stopped. But on top of that the scheme they were planning from the whispering had begun they all jumped on the bed tickling me till I sit straight up making sure not to pee myself.

When I look at them they are all smiling except for Camila who is looking down towards one spot. When I look down I notice she was staring at the slight cuts from my protruding leg that is now exposed from me moving around so much from them tickling me. I hurry up and move the blanket over top my leg and gulp. When I look up again the Ally, Dinah and Normani are still laughing and messing around. But I can feel her eyes boring to the side of my head.

"umm you guys can I talk to Lauren alone real fast? My dad has a message for her from the doctors office and said it should be private." They all nod and walk out, Camila gets up to go check the hallway making sure they went back down to the living room. She came back in hurriedly and shut the door quietly.

"Why did you do that Lauren?" Camila asks me pointing to my leg underneath my blanket.

"Do what?" I say hoping it would make her back down a little bit.

"Do that!" she says pulling down the blanket pointing at the now puffy red cuts on my legs. Not knowing what to do I jump up run to my dresser grab sweats and throw them on. She looks around the room again spotting the glass on the floor but realizing the picture sitting right under it.

"Is t-t-this your mom?" she stutters out quietly.

I nod my head to answer just below a whisper."Yes she died last month, in a car accident. A drunk driver hit her, we were in the car together. I survived... b-b-but she was n-n-not s-so l-l-l-lucky." holding back tears but bawling when Camila pulls me into her my face hiding in the crock of her neck. Me crying not being able to find a way to stop.

"That picture was taken the day she died. I should have been the one who left, not her. I should have died." I cry even louder, tears coming more and more out of my eyes.

"I know it hurts now Lauren but do not blame yourself. Do not stay in self pity and hurt. It only traps you. Kills you in pain and a scary dark place. It waits and bring more pain trying to and making you surrender. Do not doubt what has happened. It has its reasons just wait to find out what they are." She says, but when I do not answer she continues.

"You have to learn that the worst times are what gives you the best. The closed and locked door is what makes us go and try for the one right next to it. To find it unlocked and more magical than any other door, including the locked one. Pain leads you to a path of wonders and life, pain is what leads life. But what leads life more, is a choice, is trying, it is a step forward. Yes you may get hurt, and yes you may feel pain. But the pain will soon get repaired and get fixed by one thing, and one thing only.

Another Step Forward."

My cries begin to fade and begin to be a sob. Camila pulls me back and looks into my eyes. Wow those orbs. Those chocolate brown orbs, that every time I look at them I get lost in them. She is getting closer her eyes are closing as mine follow. Feeling her warm breath right in front of my lips. Causing my stomach to do flips and brain go crazy.

Crash! and yelling was the only thing heard from the downstairs, we pull away. Not getting the chance to kiss her but still running right behind her down the steps to find my moms vase on the ground, and worried faces everywhere.

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