chapter 2

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A/N Thank you for the comment Karla and comment if you guys want more. I love writing this :) ~Camissa

I wake up terror in my eyes. But I am not in the shower anymore, I am in a bed. The room is all white. I know now that I am in a hospital room. What had happened to me? I look over to my left and see my dad sleeping, he was more like fidgeting to keep his eyes open. Once he has noticed I am awake he runs over to my bed.

"Lauren, are you okay princess?" he whispered with a little worry in his voice.

"My head hurts a little bit but that is it. Why am I here?" I answered quickly, a little bit startled.

"You hit your head on the faucet while showering. Me, chris and taylor were downstairs and heard it. We ran up as fast as we could. The doctor said you have a mild concussion. Nothing serious but you have to stay overnight for observation." He said a little bit too fast, I could barely understand but I figured it out.

"Oh. Well dad I am tired, can you leave me alone to sleep for a little bit? Please?" I asked as sweetly as possible so my dad would not worry.

"Sure I will be heading home, I'll make sure to check on you in the morning. I love you princess" and with that he kisses me on the forehead and right as he is about to leave

I say gently "Dad."

"can you bring my phone a pair of sweats & my grey lion king sweater when you come back tomorrow"

"haha yes sure thing princess, night."

"Wait dad."

"haha yes Lauren?"

"Can I still go to school on Monday?" he chuckles a little before answering.

"Yes as long as you don't faint again we will make sure to take you to school on Monday, but the doctor said you can't get too stressed out of you might faint again. But we will talk about this tomorrow. It is really late, get some sleep I love you." and with that he was gone.

I look down at my legs where I notice something that I wish I had not. I see the swipes, the scars and the dry blood. I forgot I was even cutting last night. how did the doctor, nurse, & my family miss this. Or did they notice and just not tell me? That's weird then I started getting very dizzy again and next thing I know I am sleeping.

Is She The One? (Camren)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang